Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Lead-in Remarks
1.2 The Rationale of the Present Research
1.2.1 Background: Status Quo of Translation Teaching in China's Mainland
1.2.2 Rationale
1.3 Objectives of the Present Research
1.3.1 Exploring No-Title Passage Translation Competence
1.3.2 Establishing a New Translation Teaching Approach--OCTA
1.3.3 Encouraging both TC Studies and Translation Teaching Research
1.4 Methodology and Data Collection for the Present Research
1.4.1 Methodology for the Present Research
1.4.2 Data Collection
1.5 Organization of the Present Research
Chapter Two Traditional Objectivist Translation Teaching
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Overview of the Objectivist Theories
2.2.1 Origin and Development
2.2.2 The Objectivist Learning Theories
2.3 Traditional Objectivist Translation Teaching Rethinking
2.3.1 The Objectivist Paradigm
2.3.2 Strengths and Weaknesses
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Newly Pervasive Constructivist Translation Teaching
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overview of the Constructivist Theories
3.2.1 Origin and Development
3.2.2 Social Constructivism versus Cognitive Constructivism
3.2.3 The Constructivist Learning Theories
3.3 Translation Teaching in Light of the Constructivist Theories
3.3.1 The Constructivist Paradigm versus the Objectivist Paradigm
3.3.2 Related Constructivist Translation Teaching Research Critique
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four A Tentative Exploration of No-Title Passage ranslation Competence
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of TC Studies both at Home and Abroad
4.2.1 TC Studies Abroad
4.2.2 TC Studies af Home
4.3 PACTE's Empirical TC Studies Revisited
4.3.1 PACTE's Holistic TC Model
4.3.2 PACTE's Viewpoints on TC Developing
4.4 Exploring No-Title Passage Translation Competence
4.4.1 Defining No-Title Passage Translation Competence
4.4.2 Exploring No-title Passage Translation Competence Components
4.4.3 An Empirical Study on Strategic Sub:Competence
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five OCTA: A Newly Proposed Approach to Teaching Translation for Undergraduate English Majors in China's Universities
5.1 Introduction
5.2 OCTA: A General Description
5.2.1 OCTA.Necessity and Possibility
5.2.2 OCTA.Feasibility
5.2.3 OCTA.A Brief Description
5.3 Application of OCTA to Teaching Translation for Undergraduate English Majors in China's Universities
5.3.1 Instructional Design
5.3.2 Pedagogic Procedures
5.3.3 Evaluation Practice
5.4 Evaluating Efficacy of the Newly Proposed Approach OCTA
5.4.1 Overview of Orozco's Empirical Study of Measuring TC Acquisition
5.4.2 Evaluating Efficacy of OCTA in Light of Orozco's Empirical Study
5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Discussions of the Research Questions
6.3 Major Findings
6.3.1 Findings on the Exploration of No-title Passage Translation Competence
6.3.2 Findings on the Establishment of a New Theoretic Framework of OCTA
6.3.3 Findings on the Theoretical Value of the Present Research
6.4 Implications of the Present Research
6.5 Limitations and Suggestions
Appendix 1 Testing Materials for TAPs
Appendix 2 Samples of Observation Notes
Appendix 3 Rating Scales for Translation Products
Appendix 4 Questionnaires for TAPs Experiment
Appendix 5 Translation Product Samples for TAPs
Appendix 6 Translation Strategy Indicators
Appendix 7 Measuring Instruments for Translation Competence Acquisition by Orozco & Hurtado Albir (2002)
Appendix 8 Measuring Instruments for No-title Passage Translation Competence Acquisition
Appendix 9 Translation Product Samples of Testing Materials for No-title Passage Translation Competence Acquisition
Appendix 10 Internet Links Useful for Translation Teaching and Research