Chapter 1 Introduction / 1
1.1 Clearing the Ground / 1
1.2 The Scope of the Present Study / 4
1.3 The Goal and Significance of the Present Study / 5
1.4 The Format of the Present Study / 5
Chapter 2 An Integrated Model of Foreign LanguageLearning / 7
2.1 Input Processing in SLA / 8
2.2 Output Processing / 22
2.3 An Integrated Model of Foreign Language Learning / 28
Chapter 3 Psycholinguistic Rationale for LanguageComprehension and Production Process / 31
3.1 Language Comprehension and SecondLanguage Learning / 32
3.2 Speech Comprehension Processes / 38
3.3 Teaching Methodolodgies that Aim to PromoteComprehension / 44
3.4 Production and L2 Learning / 46
3.5 Levelt's Speech Production Model / 47
3.6 Speech Production and L2 Learning / 50
3.7 Teaching Methodologies that Highlight LanguageProduction / 52
3.8 Concluding Remarks / 53
Chapter 4 Attention, Awareness and Foreign LanguageLearning / 55
4.1 Consciousness and Its Relevance to SLA / 56
4.2 Attention and Foreign Language Learning / 57
4.3 Awareness / 67
4.4 Conclusion / 73
Chapter 5 Research Methodology / 75
5.1 Research Questions / 75
5.2 Research Design / 77
5.3 Summary / 82
Chapter 6 Results and Discussion / 83
6.1 Reformulation of Research Questions / 83
6.2 Data Analysis / 84
6.3 Results / 85
6.4 Discussion / 113
Chapter 7 Conclusion / 129
7.1 Major Findings / 129
7.2 Theoretical Significance / 132
7.3 Pedagogical Implications / 134
7.4 Methodological Significance / 136
7.5 Limitations and Further Research / 136
Bibiliography / 138
Appendices / 150