The Author's Introduction
The Ontogenesis of Written Genre (with John Rothery) (1981)
Systemic Functional Linguistics and an Understanding of Written Text (1984)
What a Functional Approach to the Writing Task Can Show Teachers about "Good Writing" (with John Rothery) (1986)
Intervening in the Process of Writing Development (1986)
Genre and Literacy: Modeling Context in Educational Linguistics(1993)
In/visible Education: Class, Gender and Pedagogy in Educating Rita and Dead Poets' Society (with Anne Cranny-Francis) (1994)
Linguistics and the Consumer: The Practice of Theory (1997)
Mentoring Semogenesis: "Genre-based" Literacy Pedagogy (1999)
Grammar Meets Genre: Reflections on the "Sydney School" (2000)
Designing Literacy Pedagogy: Scaffolding Asymmetries (with David Rose) (2005)
Metadiscourse: Designing Interaction in Genre-based Literacy Programs(2006)
Interacting with Text: The Role of Dialogue in Learning to Read and Write (with David Rose) (2007)
Genre and Language Learning: A Social Semiotic Perspective (2009)
Historical Cosmologies: Epistemology and Axiology in Australian Secondary School History (with K. Maton &E. Matruglio) (2010)
Writing and Genre Studies