While familiarity with classical mythology is generally recognized as essential to the understanding of literature and art and to the preservation of a great and valuable part of our artistic and spiritual heritage, the method of assuring such a familiarity to the rising generation differs in different schools. In many the stories of the gods and heroes are read in the lower grades from one or another of the children's books based on the myths, and any further knowledge of the subject depends upon the study of Vergil and other Latin or Greek writers and on the use of reference books in connection with reading in English literature.
I The World of the Myths
II The Gods of Olympus: Zeus
III Hera, Athena, Hephaestus
I. Hera (Juno)
II. Athena (Minerva)
III. Hephaestus (Vulcan)
IV Apollo and Artemis
I. Apollo
II. Artemis (Diana)
V Hermes and Hestia
I . Hermes (Mercury)
II. Hestia (Vesta)
VI Ares and Aphrodite
I. Ares (mars)
II. Aphrodite (Venus)
VII The Lesser Deities of Olympus
I . Eros (Cupid)
II. Other Deities of Olympus
The Gods of the Sea
IX The Gods of the Earth
X The World of the Dead
XI Stories of Argos
XII Heracles (Hercules)
XIII Stories of Crete, Sparta, Corinth, and Aetolia
I. Stories of Crete
II. Stories of Sparta
III. Stories of Corinth
IV. The Calydonian Boar Hunt
XIV Stories of Attica
XV Stories of Thebes
XVI The Argonautic Expedition
XVII The Trojan War
The Wanderings of Odysseus
XIX The Tragedy of Agamemnon
XX The Legendary Origin of Rome
Appendix A
Appendix B