这本《英国文学作品选读(3)》由陈嘉编,本书收入了John Galsworthy、George Bernard Shaw、William Butler Yeats、Robert Tressell、Robert Bridges、John Masefield、Thomas Stearns Eliot、David Herbert Lawrence等人的名篇名作。
John Galsworthy
George Bernard Shaw
William Butler Yeats
Robert Tressell
Robert Bridges
John Masefield
Walter de la Mare
Thomas Stearns Eliot
David Herbert Lawrence
Virginia Woolf
James Joyce
Lewis Jonyce
Lewis Jones
Ralph Fox
Wysten Hugh Auden
Christopher Caudwell
Sean O'Casey
Appendix Ⅰ Biographical Sketches
Appendix Ⅱ A List of Books from Which the Texts in his Anthology Are Taken