When it comes to food, the Chinese have a common saying, "The masses regard food as their heaven," which means that food is people's primal want. It should clearly justify the importance that "eating" holds in Chinese people's lives. Eating is not just meant to fill the stomach; having food at one's disposal, being able to consume a good amount of food, and knowing what and how to eat are all viewed as a good "fortune." Those who promote food culture often use the words of Chinese philosopher Confucius, "diet and love-making, all primal needs of every human being," finding an aspiring and positive thought basis for such an epicurean lifestyle. Today, in this world where even the farthest corners can seem as close as one's back yard, Chinese food can be enjoyed in each and every metropolitan throughout the world.
The Origins of Food and Drink Culture
Tracing the Origins of Foods
Foods from Outside China
Fine Ware for Eating
Food and Drink Traditions
The Good Cheer of Eating Together
The Taste of Home Cooking
Seasonal Delicacies
Interesting Food Customs
The Rituals of the Table
Balancing the Five Flavours
Secrets of Delicacies
Food and Health
Food Taboos
A Gastronomic Tour of China lO3
The True Pleasure of Drinking One's Fill
The Art of Tea
Wine, the Beverage of Romance
New Dining Trends
Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties