The third volume in the EVERYDAY THINGSTM series,Kitchen Ceramics brings together the bowls, pitchers,plates, and serving pieces that have furnished ourhomes for the past two centuries. Originally intendedfor everyday use, these handcrafted objects were simpleand classic in form, but often fancifully decorated.Featured in this handsomely designed, nostalgia-tingedvolume are ironstone, the graceful, elegant china ofmyriad shapes first produced in England in the nine-teenth century; redware, the first pottery of Colonial America, which was turned on a wheel and then coveredwith a clear glaze that made the clay waterproof; sponge-ware, a colorful descendant of English Staffordshire spatterware that is named for its style of decorationrather than its type of clay; mochaware, extraordinary pieces of earthenware with elaborate colored slip decorations; and yellow ware, the down-home pottery thathas been a kitchen staple since the 1820s.