General Introduction
Note on References
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Benjamin Franklin
Silence Dogood, 4
To 'Your Honour': Defense of James Franklin to Samuel Sewall
1 726 Journal
Busy-Body, 3
On Simplicity
The Death of Infants
Letter to Josiah & Abiah Franklin
Apology for the Young Man in Goal
Old Mistresses Apologue
The Speech of Miss Polly Baker
Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind
The Kite Experiment
The Way to Wealth
Poor Richard 's Maxims
'Homespun's' Further Defense of Indian Corn
An Edict by the King of Prussia
Letter to William Strahan
Letter to Benjamin Vaughan
The Whistle
Letter to George Washington
Letter to Joseph Priestley
Remarks Concerning the Savages of North-America
Information to Those Who Would Remove to America
Letter to Samuel Mather
Letter to William Franklin
The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams
The Internal State of America
Speech in the Constitutional Convention at the Conclusion of its Deliberations
Letter to Ezra Stiles
Explanatory Notes