1. Aging and the Aged
Perspectives of Aging in Diverse Cultures
Feminization of Aging and Gender Issues:
Asia Region
2. Children, Youth and Childhood
Transfer of Knowledge and Children Agency:
Reconstructing the Paradigms of
Female Child Migration and Trafficking in Asia
Youth and Identity
Childhood, Child Labour and Globalization
3. Cultural Diversity
Cultural Diversity in Building a Harmonious Society
Power-Sharing in Multi-ethnic States
Negotiating Cultural Diversity:
Representations of Alterity, Nationalisms and
Managing Diversity:
Comparisons of Approaches to Multicultural Diversity
4. Enterprise Anthropology
Enterprises Anthropology: Review and Prospect
5. Ethnic Development and Social Assessments
Making a Difference?
Social Assessments and the Role of Social Scientists in
Development and Investment
Ethnic Development Research
Culture and Protection of the Cultural Heritage
6. Ethnicity and Ethnic Identities
Contemporary Ethnological Research on Ethnicity--Theory, Policy and
Case Studies
Representing Ethnicity:
Dynamics of Practice and Research
Race and Ethnicity Through the Lens of Economics
Sociology and Public Policy
Chinese and East Asian Nations
7. Food and Nutrition
Global Variation in Human Growth and Nutrition
8. Human Ecology
Patterns of Human Growth Months-of-Birth-Effect on Human Growth and
9. Human Mobility and Cultural Diversity:
Perspectives from Empirical and
Comparative Studies of Chinese and International Migration
10. Human Rights
Indigenous People: Struggle for Survival
Health for All: Relevance of Indigenous wisdom and Knowledge
Human Security, Disadvantaged People and Development: The Emerging
Challenges in the Era of Globalization
Religion, Communalism and Human Rights
Human Rights: Emerging Challenges in the Global South and the
Global North
Peace, Conflict Transformation and Sustainable Development in
Multi-ethnic Asia
Human Right and Multi Cultural Society Continuum :
A Global Approach
11. Indigenous Knowledge
Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development
12. Legal Anthropology and Legal Pluralism
Four Patterns of State Response:
Addressing Economic, Ecological, Social,
Political and Religious Problems in the Context of Legal Pluralism
13. Linguistic Anthropology
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Awareness
On-Going Changes in
Endangered Languages
Issues of Language Endangerment
Language Change and Ecological Environment
14. Migration Anthropology
Culture, Migration and Transaction in Globalizing Asia
Labor Migration and Social Mobility in Asia and Pacific Region
15. Nomadic Peoples Studies
Change and Development in Pastoral Society
Changes in Grassland Environment and Livelihood of Herders
16. Religious Studies
Pilgrimage Landscape, Cosmogram and Planning the Heritage Cities
Ethnography of Russia and Central Asia:
Inter-ethnic, Inter-cultural and
Inter-religious Relationships
Diverse Ethnic Rites of Passage
17. Tourisrn
Ecomuseology Between Sustainable and Untenable Tourism
18. Urgent Anthropological Research
Applied Anthropology, Development and Cultural Diversity
Humanity Development and Cultural Diversity: Among the Fisherfolk