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书名 | 陈慰峰院士集(精)/中国医学院士文库 |
分类 | 文学艺术-传记-传记 |
作者 | 张毓 |
出版社 | 人民军医出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 张毓编著的《陈慰峰院士集(精)/中国医学院士文库》从文化出版与医疗卫生这两个行业的结合点上,准确地把握住了军地医务人员对弘扬医德医风、提升医疗技术的深层需求和期待,广大医务人员可以从中领略、学习到我国医学界名医大家不畏艰辛的奋斗历程、科学严谨的治学风范、勇于创新的学术精神、开阔深刻的思维品质。全书充分诠释了陈慰峰院士的学术成就、学术思想和学术风范,可供广大医学、药学工作者,特别是从事药物合成研究、临床、科研、教学的专业人员学习、借答。 内容推荐 张毓编著的《陈慰峰院士集》是《中国医学院士文库》的分册之一。本书由五部分组成。第一部分奋斗历程,介绍了院士的主要经历和事业发展的宝贵经验;第二部分学术贡献,包括院士的主要学术论文、学术著作以及学术年表等,反映了院士在理论创新和技术进步方面的主要成果及其价值;第三部分治学之道,阐述了院士的创新意识、严谨作风和刻苦精神;第四部分大师风范,记载了院士在培养人才和团队建设上为人师表的生动事例;第五部分社会影响,汇集了社会各界对院士学术成果和先进事迹的评价和赞誉。全书充分诠释了陈慰峰院士的学术成就、学术思想和学术风范,可供广大医学工作者,特别是从事免疫学临床、科研、教学的专业人员学习、借鉴。 目录 第一部分 奋斗历程 陈慰峰院士简历 陈慰峰院士成长历程 第二部分 学术贡献 一、陈慰峰院士的学术成就与学术思想 陈慰峰院士获奖证书 二、陈慰峰院士的主要学术论文 The Functional Capacity of Thymus Subpopulations:Limit—Dilution Analysis of All Precursors of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes and of All T Ceils Capable of Proliferation in Subpopulations Separated by the Use of Peanut Agglutinin (2 3) IL-10:A Novel Cytotoxic T Cell Differentiation Factor Large Scale Identification of H uman H epatocellular Carcinoma Associated Antigens by Autoantibodies The Spontaneous CD8+T-Cell Response to HLA-A2-Restricted NY-ESO-lb Peptide in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Developmental Pathway of CD4+CD8-Medullary Thymocytes During Mouse Ontogeny and its Defect in Aire Mice Limit—Dilution Assay and Clonal Expansion of All T Ceils Capable of Proliferation Multiple Types of Cytokines Constitutively Produced by an Established Murine Thymic Epithelial Cell Line Phenotypic Identification of the Subgroups of Murine T—cell Receptor aB+CD4+CD8- Thymocytes and its Implication in the Late Stage of Thymocyte Development Nonspecific Esterase Released from Thymic Macrophages Accumulates in the Apoptotic Thymocytes:an Indication for this Enzyme Participating in the Clearance of Apoptotic Thymocytes T-Cell Epitopes in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS)Coronavirus Spike Protein Elicit a Specific T-Cell Immune Response in Patients Who Recover from SARS Identification of Genes Differentially Expressed in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma by a Modified Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Method BJ-TSA-9,a Novel Human Tumor~Specific Gene,Has Potential as a Biomarker of Lung Cancer(138) HPtaa Database—potential Target Genes for Clinical Diagnosis and Immunotherapy of Human Carcinoma (147) Human TFDP3,a Novel DP Protein,Inhibits DNA Binding and Transactivation by E2F (1 54) T-Cell Development in the Absence of a Thymus:The Number,the Phenotype, and the Functional Capacity of T Lymphocytes in Nude Mice Selective Support of a Mouse Thymus Epithelial Cell Line(MTECl)tO the Viability and Proliferation of CD4+CD8-,CD4 CD8-,and CD4+CD8+ Thymocytes in Vitro(179) Negative Regulation of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Gene Expression by a Mouse Estrogenenhanced Transcript Kinetics of Thymocyte Developmental Process in Fetal and Neonatal Mice Identification of Two Novel CT Antigens and Their Capacity tO Elicit Antibody Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients HCA587 Antigen Expression in Normal Tissues and Cancers:Correlation with Tumor Differentiation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Differential Chemotactic Potential of Mouse Platelet Basic Protein for Thymocyte Subsets (226) The Thymic Stromal Cell Line MTSC4 Induced Thymocyte Apoptosis in a Non-MHC-restricted Manner(239) Identification and Analysis of Tumour-associated Antigens in Hepatocellular Carcinoma(248) Irnmunohistochemical Analysis of the Expression of FATE/BJ-HCC-2 Antigen in Normal and Malignant Tissues(256) TSPY is a Cancer Testis Antigen Expressed in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma / 6 6) PLACl is a Tumor-specific Antigen Capable of Eliciting Spontaneous Antibody Responses in Human Cancer Patients The Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (283) Specific CD8+T Cell Responses to HLA-A2 Restricted MAGE-A3 p271-279 Peptide in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients without Vaccination Functional Supertype of HLA-A2 in the Presentation of Flu Matrix p58-66 to Induce CD8+T-cell Response in a Northern Chinese Population Identification of New Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Epitopes from Cancer Testis Antigen HCA587 Rapid Identification of UCAl as a Very Sensitive and Specific Unique Marker for Human Bladder Carcinoma Detecting Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Against SARS—coronavirus with DimerX HLA-A2:Ig Fusion Protein Characterization of a Murine Thymic CD4+T Cell Subset-TCRaB+3G11-6C10- CD4+CD8-Thymocytes 三、陈慰峰院士学术年表 陈慰峰院士论文目录 第三部分 治学之道 陈慰峰院士的价值观念和工作态度 第四部分 大师风范 智者强者 勇者 润物细无声 时间的小河永远流淌着沉甸甸的怀念 结合中国实际,迎接生物医学的未来 感念师恩 无形的鼓舞 照亮我成长道路的红烛 永远铭记恩师的教诲 欲栽大树柱长天 第五部分 社会影响 光辉竹帛永流芳 培养桃李曾尽瘁 |
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