In Thinking Politically, David Hitler has brought together sixteen of Walzer's best essays from 1973... all the way to the present day.... This is a splendid collection; much more coherent than most, bound together by Walzer's theme of respect for political community.... The essays ... do justice to both words in its titte: they address the enduring issues of politicat theory, but they atso engage that thinking with the political issues of the day.
Michael Walzer is widely regarded as one of the world's leading political theorists. His broad-ranging work has covered some of the most crucial political ideas of our time, from democracy to social justice, nationalism, multiculturalism, and terrorism. This collection of his most important essays includes a substantial introduction by David Hiller that connects Walzer's ideas to wider currents of political thought.
CHAPTER 1. Philosophy and Democracy
CHAPTER 2. A Critique of Philosophical Conversation
CHAPTER 3. Objectivity and Social Meaning
CHAPTER 4. Liberalism and the Art of Separation
CHAPTER 5. Justice Here and Now
CHAPTER 6. Exclusion, Injustice, and the Democratic State
CHAPTER 7. The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism
CHAPTER 8. The Civil Society Argument
CHAPTER 9. Deliberation, and What Else?
CHAPTER 10. Drawing the Line: Religion and Politics
CHAPTER 11. The Politics of Difference: Statehood and Toleration in a Multicultural World
CHAPTER 12. Nation and Universe
CHAPTER 13. The Moral Standing of States: A Response to Four Critics
CHAPTER 14. The Argument about Humanitarian Intervention
CHAPTER 15. Beyond Humanitarian Intervention: Human Rights in Global Society
CHAPTER 16. Terrorism and Just War
CHAPTER 17. Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands
CHAPTER 18. The United States in the World--Just Wars and Just Societies: An Interview with Michael WalTer
Works by Michael WalTer