《FRONTIERS OF JUSTICE》:In her new and pathbreaking book, Martha Nussbaum shows that the social contract tradition, despite its great insights, cannot handle some of the most important political problems of our day, and she points the way to a conception of justice more attuned to our human frailty, our global society, and our place in the natural world. This work will change how we think about the nature of social justice.
1.Social Contracts and Three Unsolved Problems of Justice
The State of Nature
Three Unsolved Problems
Rawls and the Unsolved Problems
Free, Equal, and Independent
Grotius, Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Kant
Three Forms of Contemporary Contractarianism
The Capabilities Approach
Capabilities and Contractarianism
In Search of Global Justice
2.Disabilities and the Social Contract
Needs for Care, Problems of Justice
Prudential and Moral Versions of the Contract;
Public and Private
Rawls's Kantian Contractarianism: Primary
Goods, Kantian Personhood, Rough Equality,
Mutual Advantage
Postponing the Question of Disability
Kantian Personhood and Mental Impairment
Care and Disability: Kittay and Sen
Reconstructing Contractarianism?
3.Capabilities and Disabilities
The Capabilities Approach: A Noncontractarian
Account of Care
The Bases of Social Cooperation
Dignity: Aristotelian, not Kantian
The Priority of the Good, the Role of Agreement
Why Capabilities?
Care and the Capabilities List
Capability or Functioning?
The Charge of Intuitionism
The Capabilities Approach and Rawls's Principles of Justice
Types and Levels of Dignity: The Species Norm
Public Policy: The Question of Guardianship
Public Policy: Education and Inclusion
Public Policy: The Work of Care
Liberalism and Human Capabilities
4.Mutual Advantage and Global Inequality: The Transnational Social Contract
A World of Inequalities
A Theory of Justice: The Two-Stage Contract
The Law of Peoples: The Two-Stage Contract
Reaffirmed and Modified
Justification and Implementation
Assessing the Two-Stage Contract
The Global Contract: Beitz and Pogge
Prospects for an International Contractrarianism
5.Capabilities across National Boundaries
Social Cooperation: The Priority of Entitlements
Why Capabilities?
Capabilities and Rights
Equality and Adequacy
Pluralism and Toleration
An International "Overlapping Consensus"?
Globalizing the Capabilities Approach: The Role
of Institutions
Globalizing the Capabilities Approach: What
Ten Principles for the Global Structure
6.Beyond "Compassion and Humanity": Justice for Nonhuman Animals
"Beings Entitled to Dignified Existence"
Kantian Social Contract Views: Indirect Duties,
Duties of Compassion
Utilitarianism and Animal Flourishing
Types of Dignity, Types of Flourishing: Extending
the Capabilities Approach
Methodology: Theory and Imagination
Species and Individual
Evaluating Animal Capabilities: No Nature
Positive and Negative, Capability and Functioning
Equality and Adequacy
Death and Harm
An Overlapping Consensus?
Toward Basic Political Principles: The
Capabilities List
The Ineliminability of Conflict
Toward a Truly Global Justice
7.The Moral Sentiments and the Capabilities Approach