Everyday,organizations around the world launch change initiatives-often big,expensive ones-designed to improve the status quo.Yet 50 to 70 per cent of these change efforts fail.A few perish suddenly,but many die painful,protracted deaths that drain the organization's resources,energy and morale.So who or what is killing change?That's what you'll find out in this witty whodunit.
Blanchard keynote speakers present enduring leadership insights at all types of management-related events,including corporate gatherings and celebrations,association conferences,sales meetings,industry conferences and executive retreats.Our network of speaking professionals is among the best in the world at inspiring audiences to new levels of commitment and enthusiasm.
Scene of the Crime
Suspect #1: Culture
Suspect #2: Commitment
Reflections on Culture and Commitment
Suspect #3: Sponsorship
Suspect #4: Change Leadership Team
Suspect #5: Communication
Reflections on Sponsorship, Change Leadership Team and Communication
Suspect #6: Urgency
Suspect #7: Vision
Reflections on Urgency and Vision
Suspect #S: Plan
Suspect #9: Budget
A Vision of Death
Suspect #10: Trainer
Suspect #11: Incentive
Reflections on Plan, Budget, Trainer and Incentive
Suspect #12: Performance Management
Suspect #13: Accountability
Super Cops and Stakeholders
The Autopsy Report
Murderer Announced: Invitation Only
Change Lives!
Helping Change Thrive in Your Organization
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