Within book one and two you will find a well-organized,guided structure consisting of twenty-six relevant topics with the following sections:
Character Corner 1:Stories of great role-models throughout world history
Character Corner 2:Character traits:Timeless truths that transform people
Culture Corner:Principles of cross-cultural awareness and communication
Career Corner:Principles for succeeding in the competitive marketplace
Conversation Corner:Essential conversational skills for total-life training
Connection Corner:Modern examples of what to say in different situations
Construction Corner:Practice of some of the most difficult grammar
One must remember that the secret to learning a language is not learning a lot and practicing a little,but learning a little and practicing a lot! Language learningis more of a social activity than an academic one. Like learning how to play pingpong,one must not only watch good players,but also pick up the paddle,and with the right coaching,start to play. A Chinese proverb says,“Tell me,I'll forget. Show me,I may remember.But involve me,and I'll understand.”It doesn' t mean one shouldn't be diligent in his study;only that one has to D0 IT to be good at it! This book will help you do it in the best way.
If you wish to become successful,you must improve your character,competence, and people skills. One must do the right thing,in the right way,over a long period of time. This values-based curriculum will inspire even the most unmotivated student,because it speaks to the mind,will,and emotions.
“I know quite certainly that I myself have no special talent;curiosity, obsession and dogged endurance,combined with self-criticism have brought me to my ideas.”
Albert Einstein
Tom Tofilon、Gary Lee Todd、王尚阁、Julie Tofilon、Kim Orendor、Peter Freund编写的《魅力英语》是一本全面实用的英语口语教材,本书精选了几十篇英语文章,这些文章内容丰富,涉及面广泛,涵盖了英语国家文化、经济、社会等多方面的信息,让读者学习语言的同时了解用英语进行沟通的技巧和方法,纯正的美式英语,让你通过循序渐进的练习掌握魅力英语口语!