In June and July of 2010, the eyes of the world turned to South Africa, as it became the first African nation to host the FIFA World Cup. Three of the ten stadiums envisaged for this international spectacle were planned and realized by German architectural firm Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner in conjunction with the engineers Schlaich Bergermann und Partner. Their dramatic sense of gesture and luminous glow have placed these stadiums among the most beautiful contemporary sports architecture around the globe. 3 Stadia 2010 presents these three stadiums--with their unique challenges and triumphs--through stories and photographs from throughout their development process. Calling on a range of voices from the world of architecture, the publication describes how these new landmarks have transformed the South African coastal towns of Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town into architectonic locations of the African dream.
Richard Klug
Durban--The Christmas Port
Durban - der Weihnachtshafen
Falk Jaeger
An Arch in the Sky for the Port by the Indian Ocean
Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban
Ein Himmelsbogen fLir die Hafenstadt am Indischen Ozean
Das Moses-Mabhida-Stadion in Durban
Wolfga ng Drechsler
Port Elizabeth, Friendly City
Port Elizabeth, freundliche Stadt
Falk Jaeger
A Bright Flower for the Drab City by the O.uiet Sea
Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth
Eine strahlende BILite fLir die graue Stadt am Stillen Ozean
Das Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in Port Elizabeth
Wolfgang Drechsler
CapeTown, a City in the Wind
Kapstadt, Stadt am Wind
Falk Jaeger
A Jewel for the Diva
The CapeTown Stadium on Green Point Common in CapeTown
Eine Brosche fLir die Diva
Das Cape Town Stadium aufdem Green Point Common
in Kapstadt
Richard Klug
Football in South Africa--Balsam for the Nation's Soul
Fugball in SLidafrika - Balsam fLir die nationale Seele
Facts and Figures
Zahlen Daten Fakten
Practices and Authors
BLiros und Autoren
Photo Credits