Chapter 5—Sorting
*5.1 Combinatorial Properties of Permutations
*5.1.1 Inversions
*5.1.2 Permutations of a Multiset
*5.1.3 Runs
*5.1.4 Tableaux and Involutions
5.2 Internal sorting
5.2.1 Sorting by Insertion
5.2.2 Sorting by Exchanging
5.2.3 Sorting by Selection
5.2.4 Sorting by Merging
5.2.5 Sorting by Distribution
5.3 Optimum Sorting
5.3.1 Minimum-Comparison Sorting
*5.3.2 Minimum-Comparison Merging
*5.3.3 Minimum-Comparison Selection
*5.3.4 Networks for Sorting
5.4 External Sorting
5.4.1 Multiway Merging and Replacement Selection
*5.4.2 The Polyphase Merge
*5.4.3 The Cascade Merge
*5.4.4 Reading Tape Backwards
*5.4.5 The Oscillating Sort
*5.4.6 Practical Considerations for Tape Merging
*5.4.7 External Radix Sorting
*5.4.8 Two-Tape Sorting
*5.4.9 Disks and Drums
5.5 Summary, History, and Bibliography
Chapter 6—Searching
6.1 Sequential Searching
6.2 Searching by Comparison of Keys
6.2.1 Searching an Ordered Table
6.2.2 Binary Tree Searching
6.2.3 Balanced Trees
6.2.4 Multiway Trees
6.3 Digital Searching
6.4 Hashing
6.5 Retrieval on Secondary Keys
Answers to Exercises
Appendix A—Tables of Numerical Quantities
1. Fundamental Constants (decimal)
2. Fundamental Constants (octal)
3. Harmonic Numbers, Bernoulli Numbers, Fibonacci Numbers
Appendix B Index to Notations
Index and Glossary