The Fables of Aesop have became one of the most enduring traditions of European culture,ever since they were first written down nearly two millennia ago. Aesop was reputedly a tonguetied slave who miraculously received the power of speech; from his legendary storytelling came the collections of prose and verse fables scattered throughout Greek and Roman literature. First published in English by Caxton in 1484, the fables and their morals continue to charm modern readers: who does not know the stories of the tortoise and the hare, and the boy who cried Wolf?.
The Wolf and the Kid
The Tortoise and the Ducks
The Boy and the Filberts
The Youna Crab and His Mofher
The Fro qs and the Ox
The Dog, the Cock. and the Fox
Belling the Cat
The Eagle and the Jackdaw
Hercules and the Wagoner
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Oxen and the Wheels
The Kid and the Wolf
The Fox and the Grapes
The Wolf and the Crane
The Ass and His Driver
The Gnat and the Bull
The Lion and the Mouse
The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
The Bundle of Sticks
The Lion and the Ass
The Plane Tree
The Farmer and the Stork
The Sheep and the Pia
The Travelers and the Purse
The Frogs Who Wished for a King
The Owl and the Grasshopper
The Ass Carrying the Image
The Wolf and His Shadow
The Oak and the Reeds
The Boys and the Froc]s
The Grow and the Pitcher
The Ants and the Grasshopper
A Raven and a Swan
The Two Goats
The Ass and the Load of Salt
The Lion and the Gnat
The Monkey and the Camel