Investigating Digital Crimeis an accessible introduction to the relationship between the parallel growth of new digital technologies and their criminal exploitation. The book examines the reaction of the criminal justice system, both in terms of the general legislative context but also from the perspective of law enforcement, and provides a clear account of the different forms of digital crime. In order to enhance student understanding, this book includes a detailed description and analysis of digital crimes such as smart card crime, cyber crimes and telecommunication crimes in relation to a number of theoretical perspectives. The book clearly identifies the relationship between developments in digital technologies and changes in criminal behaviour.
Numerous case studies are provided throughout, with examples from the UK, other European nations and the US illustrating both the theoretical perspectives offered and the associated investigative context. Opening with an introduction to the challenges of new technology crime and background to the phenomena, the book then moves on to discuss the legislative context, for example, the interception of email and its use as evidence in court. The latter half of the book examines a range of new technology crimes, from the illegal modification of games consoles and mobile phones, through to new forms of identity theft, card crime and the use of new technology by sex offenders.
List of Contributors
Robin Bryant
The Challenge of Digital Crime
Robin Bryant
1.1 Technotogy and crime
1.2 Anatogue and digitat
1.3 The growth of digitattechnotogies
1.4 Key features of digitat crime
1.5 Growth and devetopment of digital crime
1.6 A new criminotogy?
2 The Legislative Context for Digital Crime
Tracey Stevens
2.1 Internationat initiatives to combat digital crime
2.2 Legal initiatives in the UK to combat digita[ crime
InvestigaUng Digital Crime
Ian Kennedy
3.1 Digitat evidence
3.2 How a digitat device becomes involved in a crime
3.3 Forensic examination in practice
3.4 Professionat accreditation
3.5 Digitat evidence in the courts
3.6 Ethical issues
3.7 Professional development for digital forensics
4 Countering Cybercrime
Denis Edgar-Nevill and Paul Stephens
4.1 Recognising digital crime as something new
4.2 The inadequacy of existing law
4.3 What is cybercrime?
4.4 Legislation and law enforcement
4.5 Challenges
4.6 Individual responsibilities
5 Encryption
Dave O'Reilly and Paul Stephens
5.1 Keys and passwords
5.2 Encrypted hard drives
5.3 Emai[ encryption
5.4 VolP
5.5 Wireless local area networks
5.6 Encryption and investigation
IPR and Technological Protection Measures
Paul Stephens
6.1 Copyright
6.2 IPR in practice
6.3 Open source alternatives
7 Plastic Card Crime
Robin Bryant and Paul Stephens
7.1 Plastic cards
7.2 Card crime
7.3 Investigating card crime
Tetecommunications Fraud
3oe Carthy, Tahar Kechadi and Paul Gillen
8.1 Tetecommunication systems and services
8.2 Tetecommunications crime
8.3 The Convention on Cybercrime
8.4 TeLecommunications investigations
9 Identity and Identity Theft
Angus Marshall and Paul Stephens
9.1 Concepts of identity
9.2 Recognition and recognisabitity
9.3 Authority and authorisation
9.4 Recognition and authority in the digital wortd
9.5 Obtaining information through social engineering
9.6 ID Fraud in practice
9.7 Investigating identity theft
10 Internet Grooming and Paedophite Crimes
Denis Edgar-Nevill
10.1 Pre-digitat paedophile crime
10.2 The internet and paedophite crimes
10.3 A brief history
10.4 Recent initiatives to combat internet child pornography
10.5 The internet grooming process
11 Digitatisation and Crime
Robin Bryant and Paul Stephens
11.1 MobiLe phones
11.2 Games consoles
11.3 Money laundering
11.4 Pharmaceutical drugs
12 Criminotogical and Motivationat Perspectives
Robin Bryant and Angus Marshall
12.1 Cfiminotoqical perspectives
12.2 Motivational perspectives
12.3 Cyberprofiling