Expert Mining and TCM Knowledge
A Participative E-Learning Model Based on Team Cognition
An Iterative Multi-Strategy Approach to Classification
An Optimal Collaboration Strategy for the Individual Resercher in the Knowledge Collaboration Network
An Overview of Recent Developments in Network Research
Analysis of Knowledge Networks within an Organization
Modeling Uncertainties of Technological Learning with Stochastic Optimization
Research on The Model of Tacit Knowledge Transfer in the Enterprise in Complex Networks
Automatic Taxonomy Creation for Domain Corpus
Improving Automatic Text Document Clustering via Selecting a Small Amount of Labeled Data
Improving Precision of Inter.Document Similarity Measure by Clustering SVD
Ontological Semantics Discovery for Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Management
A Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Both the Nearest and Potential Neighbors
A Method Based on Similarity Scale for Multiple Attribute with Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Information
A Method of Quickly Acquiring Knowledge Fragments for Emergency Decision-Making
An Evolution Model of Emergency Based on Analysis of Snowstorm in South China
Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Uncertainty Using the ERApproach and OWA Operator
Prioritized Multi-Criteria Decision Making Based on T-norms and OWA Operator
Using Ontology for Decision Support in Product Family Design
Semantic Interoperability for Enhancing Sharing and Learning through E-Government Knowledge-Intensive Portal Services
A Master Hand Trains a Great Apprentice: The Analysis of a Typical Case about the Tacit Knowledge Management in Modern Enterprise
An Empirical Investigation of the Perceptions and Attitudes of Employees toward Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Joint Ventures
An Empirical Study on Knowledge Transfer Influencing Factors in Software Process Improvement
An Evaluation of Enterprise Wikis Using Media Choice Theories
Application of Knowledge Audit in the Process of Product Development
Coordination in Multiagent-Based University Architecture
Creativity's Cultural Gene
Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy Map
Function Mechanism of Tacit Knowledge Management Based on the Core Competence of Corporation
Knowledge Based Trust Secure Management System for Software Organization
Knowledge Exchange in Construction Projects
Knowledge Management in Learning Organization
Nuclear Knowledge Management in Stakeholder Community Networks
Organizational Learning and Transformation: An Example of Two Cases
Organizational Learning, Culture & the Tragedy of the Commons in China
Tracking Innovation Capability with Intellectual Capital.
Research of a Value-Added Business Process-Oriented Model of Knowledge Process in Engineering Design Enterprise
Research on Evaluation of Enterprise Knowledge Management Capability Based on Knowledge Audit
Research on Transmitting Willingness and Its Impacts in the Process of Skill Transmission
Strategy on Enterprise Knowledge Process Reengineering Based on Business Process Reengineering
Ten Principles of Knowledge Creation in Open Source Community
The Adoption of Knowledge Management Systems: An Organizational Citizenship Behavior Perspective
The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Knowledge Management
The Tacit Knowledge Acquisition: A Fundamental Way of Knowledge Management
Towards the New Episteme: Basic Methodology for Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge
A Simple Self-Assessment Method for Organizational Knowledge Management
A Vague Set Based MCDM Approach for Research Funding Program Assessment
How Could We Overcome the Truncation Problem in Ranking the Importance of Patents? --Submitted to KSS' 2008
An Integrated Systematic Approach for Mutual Funds Management Companies' Competence Evaluation
Determining Risk Management Strategies under Uncertain Environments
Informatization Complex Mechanism Integration Research Based on the Fusion of Multi-Agents of Niche
Interaction Technology in Kids' Education Based on Tablet PC
The Fuzzy Reasoning Method and Its Application Based on Information Distribution
A Service Oriented Agent Model
An Agent-Based Modeling Framework to Study Scientific Collaboration Networks
An Intelligent Process-Oriented Knowledge Management System between Human, Process and Knowledge
Establishing a National E-Culture Heritage Repository for Malaysia
Implementation of Human-Machine Interaction of CorMap Analysis in On-Line Conferencing Ba
Modeling of Regression-Based Rainfall Prediction over Myanmar
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Oriented Competitive Intelligence Service Platform
Web Based Information Retrieval for Myanmar Unicode Pages
A Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict Management
Approach to Regional Economic Development: Aiming for University-Region New Educational Partnership
Requisite Holism in a Sustainable Model of Dynamic Management of CO2 Emissions
Development of Optimum Neural Network Model for Rainfall Prediction System
Estimation of Attribute Weights for Naive Bayes Classifier by Using Data Clustering and Decision Tree
A Codifying Method for Graphics Knowledge Management