5 Vector Algebra and Analytic Geometry in Space
5.0 Citing examples
5.1 Vectors and its operations
Key points of this section
5.1.1 Cpncept of vectors
5.1.2 Linear operations of vectors
5.1.3 Scalar products of vectors(dot product, inner product)
5.1.4 Vector products of vectors(cross product, outer product)
5.1.5 Mixed products of vectors
5.1.6 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
5.2 Coordinates of points and coordinates of vectors
Key points of this section
5.2.1 Rectangular coordinate systems in space
5.2.2 Coordinate representation of operations on vectors
5.2.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
5.3 Planes and lines in space
Key points of this section
5.3.1 Plane
5.3.2 Line
5.3.3 The position relations among points, planes and lines
5.3.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
5.4 Surface and curve
Key points of this section
5.4.1 Equations of surfaces and curves
5.4.2 Cylinder, surface of revolution and cone
5.4.3 Quadric surface
5.4.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6 Differential Calculus of Multivariable Functions and its Applications
6.0 Citing examples
6.1 The basic concepts of functions of several variables
Key points of this section
6.1.1 n-dimensional point set
6.1.2 Definition of function of several variables
6.1.3 Limit of function of two variables
6.1.4 Continuity of function of two variables
6.1.5 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6.2 Partial derivative and higher partial derivative
Key points of this section
6.2.1 Partial derivative
6.2.2 Higher partial derivative
6.2.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6.3 Total differential and its applications
Key points of this section
6.3.1 Definition of total differential
6.3.2 Relation between differentiability and partial derivability
6.3.3 Geometric meaning of total differential
6.3.4 Applications of total differential
6.3.5 Summarization of solving methods and typieal examples
6.4 Differentiation of composite functions of several variables
Key points of this section
6.4.1 Chain rule
6.4.2 Invariance of total differential form
6.4.3 Derivative rule for implicit functions
6.4.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6.5 Applications for partial derivatives in geometry
Key points of this section
6.5.1 Tangent line and normal plane for space curve
6.5.2 Tangent plane and normal line of the surface
6.5.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6.6 Extrernum of multivariable functions
Key points of this section
6.6.1 Extreme value,global maximum,global minimum of multivariable functions
6.6.2 Conditional extremum Lagrange multiplier method
6.6.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
6.7 Directional derivative and gradient
Key points of this section
6.7.1 Directional derivative
6.7.2 Gradient of scalar field
6.7.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
7 Integral Calculus of Multivariable Scalar Functions
7.0 Citing examples
7.1 Concept and properties of integral for multivariable scalar functions
Key points of this section
7.1.1 The concept of integral of multivariable scalar functions
7.1.2 Properties of integral of multivariable scalar functions
7.1.3 The classifications of the integral for multivariable scalar functions
7.2 Evaluation for double integral
Key points of this section
7.2.1 The evaluation of double integral under Kectangular coordinate system
7.2.2 The evaluation of double integral under polar coordinate system
7.2.3 Change of variables in double integral
7.2.4 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
7.3 The evaluation of triple integral
Key points of this section
7.3.1 The evaluation of triple integral under rectangluar coordinate system
7.3.2 Evaluation for triple integral in cylindrical and spherical coordinates
7.3.3 Summarization of solving methods and typical examples
7.4 The evaluations of line and surface integral for scalar value functions
Key points of this section
7.4.1 The evaluations of line integral with the first form
7.4.2 The evaluations of surface integral with the first form
7.4.3 Summarization of solving methods and typieal examples
7.5 Some typical applications of integrals of scalar valued functions in geometry and physics
Key points of this section
8 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals of Vector Functions
8.0 Citing example
8.1 Integrals of vector functions on directional curves
Key points of this section
8.1.1 Vector field
8.1.2 Concept of line integrals of the second form
8.1.3 Computation of the line integrals 0[ the second form
8.1.4 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
8.2 Integrals of vector functions on oriented surface
Key points of this section
8.2.1 Lateral of surface
8.2.2 The concept of the surface integrals Of the second form
8.2.3 Computation of the surface integrals of the second form
8.2.4 Summarization of ,solving method and typical examples
8.3 Relationships among iterated integral, line integral and surface integral
Key points of this section
8.3.1 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
8.4 Conditions for line integral independent of path Key points of this section
8.4.1 Condition for line integral independent of path
8.4.2 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
8.5 Introduction to field theory
Key points of this section
8.5.1 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
8.6 Applications
9 Infinite Series
9.0 Citing examples
9.1 Series of number terms
Key points of this section
9.1.1 Concepts and basic properties of series of number terms
9.1.2 Summary of solving methods and typical examples
9.2 Tests for convergence or divergence of positive terms series
Key points of this section
9.2.1 Convergence or divergence for positive terms series
9.2.2 Comparison test
9.2.3 Ratio test
9.2.4 Root test
9.2.5 Integral test
9.2.6 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
9.3 Tests for Convergence or divergence of series with any terms
Key points of this section
9.3.1 Tests for convergence or divergence of alternating series
9.3.2 Absolute convergence and conditional conv, ergence
9.3.3 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
9.4 Power series
Key points of this section
9.4.1 Basic conceptes of series with function terms
9.4.2 Power series and its convergence domain
9.4.3 Operations and properties of power series
9.4.4 Summarization of solving method and typical examples
9.5 Fourier series
Key points of this section
9.5.1 Fourier series of function with the period 2π
9.5.2 Fourier series of function with the period 2l
9.5.3 Fourier expansion of functions defined on 1 [-l,l-]
9.5.4 Summarization of solving method and typical examples