How well do you know yourself?The answer maysurprise you. We all. may think we understand our thoughts, actions, and emotions,but in fact, there are many aspects of our personality that we may not have yet discovered. In Do You Know the Real You?, psychology expert Claire Gordon offers revealing exercises and quizzes to help you pinpoint your strengths and use them more effectivety in every area of your life. From your career and friendships to romantic relationships and beyond, this book assesses how your own unique traits affect how you interact in the worl.d, and it explains how to overcome your weaknesses.Fun and interactive, with corot illustrations throughout, this correction of serf-tests is a surprising glimpse into the real. you.
What is Personality? 6
Personality and Age 8
Personality and Birth Order 10
Which Personality is to the Fore? 12
Drugs and Their Effects on Personality 14
Cults and Personality 16
A Brief History of Personality Testing 18
The Role of Personality Testing 20
Part 1 Internal Traits
What Are Internal Traits? 24
Are You Warm or Cool? 26
What's Your Thinking Style? 28
Are Your Emotions Under Control? 30
How Do You React to Situations? 32
Star Attraction or Supporting Role? 34
Rebel or Conformist? 36
Shy or Bold, What's Your Style? 38
What's Your Humor? 40
Are Your Feelings to the Fore? 42
Do You Trust Others? 44
Are You Earth- or Heaven-bound? 46
Are You Easy to Read? 48
What's Your Color? 50
Do You Feel Secure? 52
Are You Flexible? 54
Are You a Pack Animal? 56
Are You a Free Spirit? 58
Do You Like the Buzz or the Zzzzs? 60
Your Internal Traits Profile 62
Part 2 External Traits
What Are External Traits? 66
Are You Good at Speaking Up? 68
Can You Change Others' Opinions? 70
Do You Take Charge? 72
Do You Have Strong Views? 74
Are You Fun-loving? 76
Do You Enjoy Companionship? 78
Are You at Ease With Strangers? 80
What's Your Number? 82
Are You Empathetic? 84
Are You Modest or Forward? 86
Do You Encourage Cooperation? 88
What's Your Rune? 90
Are You Considerate to Others? 92
Your External Traits Profile 94
Part 3 Internal Types
What Are Internal Types? 98
Are You a Reformer? 100
Do You Influence People? 102
What's Your Dosha? 104
Do You Push Yourself and Others? 106
Is Your Heart an Open Book? 108
Do You Exercise Your Brain Cells? 110
Can One Count on You? 112
Do You Have a Range of Interests? 114
Do Others Follow You? 116
What's Your Egyptian Goddess? 118
Peace or War, What's Your Choice? 120
Your Internal Type Profile 122
Part 4 External Types
What Are External Types? 126
Are You a Resourceful Plant? 128
Are You a Coordinator? 130
Can You Weigh Up the Options? 132
What Does Your Handwriting Reveal? 134
Do You Make Things Happen? 136
Can You Wrap Up Things? 138
Are You a Performer? 140
Are You a Resource Investigator? 142
What's Your Totem Animal? 144
Are You a Shaper? 146
Do You Work Well With Others? 148
Do You Focus Closely on a Subject? 150
Your External Type Profile 152
Personality Tests in Recruitment 154
ersonality Tests ... Beyond Recruitment 1S6
Index 158
Acknowledgments 160