Chapter 1 ALGERIA
1. Types of business organizations
1. Types of business organizations
2. Incorporating a business in Argentina
3. Argentine Tax System
4. Labor legislation
1. Types of business organisations
2. Formation of a corporation
Chapter 4 BRAZIL
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Registration requirements for entities
Chapter 5 CANADA
1. Types of business organizations
2. Incorporation Procedures
3. Useful Websites
Chapter 6 CHILE
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business license and permits
Chapter 7 COLOMBIA
1. Types of business organizations
2. The main characteristics
Chapter 8 COSTA RI A
1. Types of business organizations
2. General aspects
3. Procedures for Setting up a Business
4. Business Licenses & Permits
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business (Companies and Cooperatives)
3. Business Licenses and Permits
4. Registration with the Commercial Register
5. Tax, Social Security Health Insurance and Employer Registration Requirements
Chapter 10 E UADOR
1. Types of business organizations
2. Other types of organization
Chapter 11 FINLAND
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a Business
3. Business Licenses and Permits
4. Summary
Chapter 12 FRAN E
1. Types of business organizations
2. Tax Consolidation
Chapter 13 GERMANY
1. Types of business organizations
2. Steps to Establishing Companies/Associations
3. Permits
Chapter 14 GREE E
1. Types of business organizations
2. Taxation of Personal Companies (OE EE)
3. Taxation of Companies limited by shares A. E. , Companies with limited liability E. P. E. and Cooperative
Chapter 15 GUATEMALA
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business Licenses & Permits
4. Summary
Chapter 16 HONDURAS
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures to set up a Business
3. Business permits and licenses
Chapter 17 HONG KONG
1. Types of Business Vehicles
Chapter 18 INDIA
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for in orporating a private limited Company
3. Steps to be taken for formation of a Public Limited Company
Chapter 19 IRELAND
1. Types of business organisations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business
3. Registration of Foreign Company
4. Non-resident Irish Companies
5. Recent Developments
6. Business Licences & Permits
7. Business Permission
Chapter 20 ISRAEL
1. Types of business organizations
2. Tax and Employer Registration Requirements
3. Business Licenses & Permits
Chapter 21 ITALY
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business licenses and permits
4. Final remarks
Chapter 22 KOREA
1. Types of Business Organization
2. Procedures for Establishing a Business
3. Business Licenses and Permits
1. Types of business organizations
2. Incorporation procedure for Commercial Companies
3. Business regulation
4. A Counting obligations
5. Domestic Taxation regime
Chapter 24 MALAYSIA
1. Types of Business Organisations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business
Chapter 25 MEXI O
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business Organizati
3. Costs of Incorporation
Chapter 26 NEW ZEALAND
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business organizatio
Chapter 27 NIGERIA
1. Types of business organizations
2. Operational and Procedural Matters
3. Tax matters
Chapter 28 PERU
1. Types of business organizations
2. Incorporating a business in Peru
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for incorporating a business
3. Summary of registration fees
Chapter 30 POLAND
1. Types of basiness organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business licenses and permits
Chapter 31 RUSSIA
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business licenses and permits
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Regulatory Framework
3. Procedures for Setting up a Business Entity/Filing and Fees
4. Tax and Employer Registration Requirements
Chapter 33 SPAIN
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business
3. Business Licenses and Permits
Chapter 34 SWEDEN
1. Types of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Business
3. Business Licenses and Permits
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for setting up a business
3. Business license and permits
Chapter 36 TURKEY
1. Types of business organizations
2. Incoiporating the legal entities
3. The licenses and the restrictions
4. Approximate time period and Costs
5. Evaluation of the draft legislatmn
Chapter 37 UKRAINE
1. Type of Business Organizations
2. Procedures for Setting Up a Business
3. Business Licenses and Permits
1. Types of business organizations
2. Establishing a Business in the UK- omparison between Subsidiary and Bran h
3. Tax
4. Registration
5. Estimate of time frame and legal fees
1. Types of business organizations
2. Procedures for Setting up a Corporation
3. Business Licenses & Permits
Chapter 40 VENEZUELA
1. Types of business organizations