On the misty, pine-clad slopeqof the western highlands five princes go hunting-but the mountains are perilous and they clash with unexpected foes.
To the north a burrower digs its way through a labyrinth of underground caverns; there is knowing what it is, how it came there, or where it is gomg.
Cecilia Dart-Thornton graduated from Monash University with an honours degree in sociology. She began as a teacher and lecturer, then started and ran a business before becoming a full-time writer. Her interests include animal welfare, environmental conservation and digital media. She lives in Australia.
Some Significant Characters
The Story So Far
Map: The Four Kingdoms of Tir
1 Comrades and Foes
2 Mai Day Eve
3 Conversations
4 Philosophies
5 Strategies
6 Household Strife
7 Princes
8 Urisks
9 The Invitation
10 Plots and Schemes
11 Treachery
12 Upon a Ferny Hill