This title presents 27‘green'buildings in urban and suburban surroundings.In regard to the current discussions about global warming and a new green movement,ecological aspects in architecture are becoming more and more important.Home buyers and owners as well as builders,architects and designers are seeking for examples and inspiration.“Eco Architecture“ is a book series showcasing the world's best “green” buildings.It is a unique inspiration source providing an approach to the personal“green“dream house.It shows how leasant ecological houses can be from anarchitectural viewpoint,irrespective of th e material used in construction,be it stone,wood or brick.“Urban chic” presents 25-28 building projects,both private and public,from all over the world.What links them is their location in urban and suburban surroundings,and their chic.These buildings may be functional,but they are more than just utilitarian.
27 remarkable ecological building projects implemented in urban space.With more than 270 illustrations and computer graphics plus the“green facts”house and a glossary of relevant terms.
Des concepts ecologiques mis en oeuvre dans 27 remarquabtes projets de construction dans l'espace urbain. Plus de 270 illustrations et graphiques,les proprietes ecologiques de chaque maison et un glossaire des mots-cles.
Die Umsetzung okologischer Ideen in 27 bemerkenswerten Projekten im urbanen Raum. Mit mehr als 270 Abbitdungen und Grafiken, den“Green Facts”je Haus und Glossar mit den zentralen Begriffen.
House Ijburg,The Netherlands
78 House,Spain
House with a Passage,Greece
House Schweizer,Germany
VELUX Offices,UK
House 9x9,Germany
Louis Blanc Apartment Building,France
Indes,The NetherLands
Border Houses in Zero Branco,Italy
Xeros Residence,USA
Highschool Jean Jaures,France
LSV Landshut,Germany
House in Muzzano,Switzerland
Vallecas Housing Estate,Spain
Future House,Austratia
MountainView,New Zealand
Snowden House 2,UK
House in Carabbia,Switzerland
First LivingHome,USA
G+S House,Germany
House Matsch,Germany
T-Bone House,Germany
House Sonne,Italy
1532 House,USA
Lliri Blau Housing Estate,Spain
House A Studio B,France