If someone mentions graffiti, what's your reaction? Most likely you'll think of scrawls on urban buildings: vandalism, degradation of the environment. Maybe you'll also have thought of art, frescoes, painting, urban culture. Tagging is the chronic itch of the graffitist to go and leave his nora de plume, the writer's signature, in a prominent place in town.
Graff is a highly symbolic and cutting-edge urban art form.publicity, films, the art world and the Internet oraff is a higoltc-ancuinr15ah a For a long time a virtually underground activity,ive ent passto,aumberries. The world is at last taking ed toignomdese, years, refusinren to regard it as a mmorp Ale course of exponentiall its voice and tagged its name to Theet ples featured this book have been photoll phed by imply gedand fanatical grafer Theibys livewirFrournal'Sandrine Pereiraauthor aners, also publisl'by Silverback Books.
art or vandalism?
in the beginning ...
graffiti, definitions
a brief history of graffiti
bomb alert
tagging hits
so graffiti is art ?
Zulu Nation, birthplace of hip-hop
from street to museum
graffiti to order
state of the nation
bombers on parole
moving on
a world tour of graffiti
setting the fashion
back to the street
glossary for the novice tagger
web sites
photographic credits