What is more important than the meal? Doesn't the least observant [wo]man-about-town look upon the implementa6on and ritual progress of a meal as a liturgical prescrip6on? Isn't all of civilization apparent in these careful preparations, which consecrate the spirit's triumph over a raging appetite?
1. Vive l'Amerique: The Beginning...
I Am Overweight
2.La Fille Prod~gue: Return of the Prodigal
3.Short-term Recasting: The First Three
4.The Tales of the Three Cs
Stabilization and Eating for Life
5.II Faut des Rites
6.The Seasons and the Seasonings
7.More Recipes That Will Fool You
8.Liquid Assets
9.Bread and Chocolate
10.Moving Like a French Woman
11.States of Desire
12.Life Stages
12 bis. The Plan for Life