estimation [ˌes.tɪ'meɪ.ʃən] noun OPINION 看法 only singular ■your opinion of someone or something 估计;判断;看法•In my estimation a lot of other banks are going to have the same problem.据我判断,其他很多银行也将出现同样的问题。 •He sank in my estimation (= My opinion of him fell) when I saw how he treated his wife.当我看到他如何对待他的妻子时,他在我心目中的形象一落千丈。 [ˌes.tɪ'meɪ.ʃən] noun GUESS 猜测 countable or uncountable ■a guess about the cost, size, value, etc of something (费用、尺寸、价值等的)估计,估测•computer-aided estimations电脑辅助估测 •estimation of the cost对费用的估计 |