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书名 | 农业科技英语(经济贸易类专业用全国高等农业院校教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育 |
作者 | 郁仲莉 |
出版社 | 中国农业出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本教材共分五大块:农场经济和技术,农村金融和贸易,农业推广和农村发展,妇女和农业生产以及粮食安全,农业资源及其管理。 本书涉及面广,阅读量大,目的是使学生在大量阅读的基础上,适应农业经济与贸易英语文体及常用概念,同时了解和学习欧美国家分析和解决农业问题的一些基本方法,并通过多种形式的实用性练习,增强学生专业英语读、写、译、说的能力,达到使学生能以英语为工具,从事专业活动的目的。 内容推荐 《农业科技英语》(经济贸易类专业用)是农业部科教司及中华科教基金会资助的教材项目,为“九五”高等农业院校规划教材。本教材是为了在农科院校更好地贯彻落实《大学英语教学大纲》中有关专业英语教学的规定编写而成,供农科经贸类本科生专业英语教学使用。 本教材针对我国农科经贸类学生的特点和实际需要,从原版文献和教科书中广泛取材,涉及面广,阅读量大,目的是使学生在大量阅读的基础上,适应农业经济与贸易英语文体及常用概念,同时了解和学习欧美国家分析和解决农业问题的一些基本方法,并通过多种形式的实用性练习,增强学生专业英语读、写、译、说的能力,达到使学生能以英语为工具,从事专业活动的目的。 本教材从内容上共分五大块:农场经济和技术,农村金融和贸易,农业推广和农村发展,妇女和农业生产以及粮食安全,农业资源及其管理。共22课,每课包括一篇正文,一篇补充阅读材料以及一定量的实用性练习。 目录 序言 前言 Unit One Text: Farm Income Analysis Supplementary Reading: Economics of the Farm System Unit Two Text: The Economics of Small Farm Mechanization Supplementary Reading: Labor Budget Unit Three Text: Family Farms, Cooperatiyes and Collectives Supplementary Reading: Small Farmers' in China and their Development Unit Four Text: Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification ( I ) Supplementary Reading: Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification ( Ⅱ ) Unit Five Text: Financing Expanded Production Supplementary Reading: Delinquencies and Default Problems Unit Six Text: Rural Credit Markets and Imperfect Information: a New Perspective Supplementary Reading: Information Exchange Networks and Agricultural Development Unit Seven Text: Agricultural Trade Reform, Price Stability and the Impact on Developing Countries Supplementary Reading: Examination of Proposals for Tariffication and Disciplines on Subsidies and Quantitative Controls Currently under Negotiation Unit Eight Text: Economic Planning from Above and Below Supplementary Reading: Agricultural Growth is a Prerequisite for Rural Development Unit Nine Text: Extension Experiences in Agriculture and Rural Resource Management in the 1980s and 1990s Supplementary Reading: Extension Methods Unit Ten Text: Four Approaches to Rural Development Supplementary Reading: The Community Development Approaches to Rural Development Unit Eleven. Text: Challenges to Agricultural Extension in the Twenty-first Century Supplementary Reading: The Agricultural Extension Worker Unit Twelve Text: Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development ( I ) Supplementary Reading: Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development ( Ⅱ ) Unit Thirteen Text: The First of All Imperatives: Banish Hunger in Our Time Supplementary Reading: More Jobs Mean More Meals Unit Fourteen Text: Strategies for Food-and Nutrition Security at Household Level ( I ) Supplementary Reading: Strategies for Food-and Nutrition Security at Household Level ( Ⅱ ) Unit Fifteen Text: Food-Security, Only a Women's Job? Supplementary Reading, Women Feed the World Unit Sixteen Text: Women's Contribution to Animal Production and Husbandry Supplementary Reading: The Role of Animal Production in World Agriculture Unit Seventeen Text: The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Low-income, Food- deficit Countries Supplementary Reading: Food Security and Compensation, The Role of the GATT Unit Eighteen Text: Is China Living on the Water Margin? ( I ) Supplementary Reading: Is China Living on the Water Margin? Unit Nineteen Text: Population Growth, Agricultural Intensification, Induced Innovation and Natural Resources Sustainability: An Application of Neoclassical Growth Theory Supplementary Reading: Environmental Auditing in Agriculture, Pipe- dream or Practical Tool? Unit Twenty Text: Firm Resources, Industrial Organization and Austrian Economi The Bases for a New Strategic Management Approach to Competitiveness Supplementary Reading. Microcomputers in Support of the Generation and Diffusion of Agricultural Technologies in Developing Countries Unit Twenty-one Text. Fairness, Stewardship and Sustainable Development Supplementary Reading: Toward Some Operational Principles of Sustainable Development Unit Twenty-two Text: Agriculture and the Wealth of Nations Supplementary Reading: The Farmer as an Innovative Survivor KEY TO THE EXCERCISES Appendix I GLOSSARY Appendix Ⅱ PROPER NAMES Appendix Ⅲ SPECIALIZED TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS |
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