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书名 | 跨文化间的交流/外教社跨文化交际丛书 |
分类 | 人文社科-文化-文化理论 |
作者 | 顾力行//迟若冰 |
出版社 | 上海外语教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书在综合了社会认同理论、符号互动论以及传播学理论的基础上,发展出了跨文化认同协商理论。作者指出,有效的交际要求我们必须调整行为规范的指导原则(参照系),尝试使用新的分类方法来了解不同的文化视角,实验多样化的决策方略和问题解决方式。 对于语言功能的探讨是本书的亮点。它不仅提供了大量典型的跨文化交际实例,还给出了很多关于如何提高交际质量的建议。 内容推荐 Leo Thayer(1979)曾说过:“我们今天所面临的(人类沟通问题)与两个世纪前孔子所思考的问题没有本质上的不同”;只有“完全彻底了解沟通现象”之后才能找到解决冲突的方法。为此,跨文化交际学学者和研究者们一直在不懈努力,期望能更充分地解析交际的复杂过程。本书作者Stella Tin9—Toomey就是涉足此领域较早的学者之一,她长期不懈的努力使人们对多个跨文化交际问题的了解更加全面深入,特别是在研究种族/民族认同、跨文化冲突管理、文化认同和跨文化“面子观”等方面,她发展的理论获得了广泛赞誉。 《文化间的交流))正是融合了Tin9—Toomey多年的教学研究成果和实地调查经验的一本基础读物。作者在前言中指出本书有五大特点:1、全书由统一主题——“留心(Mindfulness)”概念贯穿;2、介绍了一个涵盖知识、动机和技巧等多方面内容的理论诠释模型;3、从第三章到第十章,每章结尾处都提供了简单可行的建议,指导读者如何将所学知识和技巧应用在实际的跨文化交际中;4、本书多个章节采用图示或表格处理关键概念和理论,易于读者理解概念间的相互关系,形成视觉记忆;5、本书采用的是跨学科的视角。在林林总总的跨文化入门著作中,本书围绕一个核心概念、两条理论主线组织信息的方式,以及注重理论联系实际的写作指导思想,可谓独具特色。 目录 I. CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS 1. Intercultural Communication: An Introduction Why Study Intercultural Communication? Global Diversity Trends Domestic Diversity Trends Interpersonal Learning Opportunities What Is Intercultural Communication? Conceptualization of Culture Conceptualization of Intercultural Communication Intercultural Communication: Five Core Assumptions 2.Mindful Intercultural Communication: An Identity Negotiation Perspective The Identity Negotiation Perspective The Theoretical Background Primary Identity Domains Situational Identities Summary The Identity Negotiation Theory Core Theoretical Assumptions Assumptions 1-4 Assumptions 5 and 6 Assumption 7 Assumption 8 Mindful Intercultural Communication Threefold Outcomes of Mindful Intercultural Communication Mindful Intercultural Communication: Criteria and Components II. THE INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS: DISSIMILAR ASSUMPTIONS 3. Value Orientations and Intercultural Encounters Classical Value Orientations Basic Assumptions People-Nature Value Orientation Temporal Orientation Human Nature Orientation Activity Orientation Relational Orientation Cross-Cultural Organizational Value Dimensions Individualism-Collectivism: The Core Dimension The Power Distance Dimension The Uncertainty Avoidance Dimension The Masculinity and Femininity Dimension The Confucian Dynamism Dimension Loose and Tight Social Structures Values, Self-Conception Consequences, and Interaction Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal Personal and Collective Self-Esteem Universalistic-Based versus Particularistic-Based Interaction Summary Recommendations 4. Mindful Intercultural Verbal Communication Human Language: A Coherent System Arbitrariness Multilayered Rules Speech Community Languages across Cultures: Diverse Functions The Group Identity Function The Perceptual Filtering Function The Cognitive Reasoning Function The Status and Intimacy Function The Creativity Function Cross-Cultural Verbal Communication Styles Low-Context and High-Context Communication Direct and Indirect Verbal Interaction Styles Person-Oriented and Status-Oriented Verbal Styles Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement Verbal Styles Beliefs Expressed in Talk and Silence Recommendations 5. Mindful Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Communication: Specific Functions and Patterns Reflecting and Managing Identities Expressing Emotions and Attitudes Conversational Management Impression Formation and Attraction Space and Time across Cultures Interpersonal Spatial Boundary Regulation Environmental Boundary Regulation Temporal Regulation Interpersonal Synchrony and Nonverbal Cautions Interpersonal Interactive Synchrony Nonverbal Cautions Recommendations III. BOUNDARY REGULATION AND INTERGROUP- INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENTS 6. Identity Contact and Intergroup Encounters Social Identity Theory and Its Associated Constructs: A Boundary-Regulation Approach Social Identity Theory Social Categorization Social Comparison Intergroup Attribution: A Sense-Making Process Attribution Theory Intergroup Attribution Theory Mindsets: Affective and Cognitive Filters Intergroup Perception Ethnocentrism and Communication Stereotypes and Communication Prejudice and Communication Reduction of Prejudice and Discrimination Recommendations 7. Intercultural Personal Relationship Development: Identity- and Relational-Based Themes Personal Relationship Developments: Membership and Contextual Conditions Cultural and Ethnic Membership Values Gender Expectations and Norms Individual Personality Attributes Situational Contact Conditions Four Identity- and Relational-Based Themes The Identity Vulnerability and Security Theme The Identity Autonomy and Connection Theme The Relational Dissimilarity and Similarity Theme The Relational Openness and Closedness Theme Summary Recommendations 8. Constructive Intercultural Conflict Management Intercultural Conflict: Definitional Characteristics Conflict Goal Issues Conflict-Related Characteristics Contributing Factors Affecting Intercultural Conflict A Cultural Variability Perspective Cultural-Based Conflict: Different Lenses Intercultural Conflict Management Skills Operational Skills Needed for Constructive Conflict Management Collaborative Dialogue and Communication Adaptability Recommendations 227 IV. IDENTITY TRANSFORMATION AND TRANSCULTURAL COMPETENCIES 9. Identity Change and Intercultural Adaptation Intercultural Adaptation: Antecedent Factors Systems-Level Factors Individual-Level Factors Interpersonal-Level Factors Intercultural Adaptation: The Identity Change Process Managing the Culture Shock Process Sojourners' Adjustment Models Minority and Immigrants' Identity Change Models Intercultural Adaptation: Effective Outcomes Systems-Level and Interpersonal-Level Outcomes Personal Identity Change Outcomes Recommendations 10. Transcultural Communication Competence Criteria of Transcultural Communication Competence The Appropriateness Criterion The Effectiveness Criterion The Satisfaction Criterion Components of Transcultural Communication Competence The Knowledge Blocks Component The Mindfulness Component The Communication Skills Component From Intercultural to Transcultural Ethics Ethical Absolutism versus Ethical Relativism Moral Exclusion versus Moral Inclusion Final Recommendations References Index |
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