1 Introduction 引言 / 1
1.1 Conclusion 结论 / 2
1.2 A lecture... 演讲…… / 5
1.3 The ingredients of a lecture 演讲的要素 / 6
1.4 Book motivation 本书的动机 / 7
1.5 From a shy observer to an unorthodox lecturer-the story of the author 从一个害羞的观察者到一个打破传统的演讲者——作者的故事 / 9
2 The lecturing mindset 演讲者的心态 / 16
2.1 Motivating yourself 自我激发 / 18
2.2 Failing your way towards success 成功路上的失败 / 19
2.3 Confronting your fears 面对恐惧 / 20
2.4 Re-channeling emotions 情绪的调整 / 22
2.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 24
2.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 25
3 Old school basics 老规矩 / 26
3.1 The Internet generation audience 互联网时代的听众 / 27
3.2 Don’t believe everything they tell you! 不要相信他们告诉你的每一件事情! / 28
3.3 Think before preparing 准备之前的思考 / 30
3.4 Prepare and rehearse 准备和练习 / 31
3.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 32
3.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 33
4 General lecturing principles 一般原则 / 34
4.1 Lecture effectiveness 演讲效果 / 35
4.2 The narrow channel model 狭窄通道模型 / 36
4.3 Be unique 独特 / 38
4.4 Be honest 诚实 / 40
4.5 Be aware of your audience 了解听众 / 41
4.6 Connect with the audience 联系听众 / 43
4.7 Simplify and focus 简单明了,重点突出 / 44
4.8 Remove any and all biases 去除偏见 / 47
4.9 Care 关注听众 / 48
4.10 Understand before you lecture 充分理解演讲内容 / 49
4.11 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 50
4.12 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 52
5 At the beginning of the lecture 演讲的开始 / 54
5.1 The initial lack of attention 最初的注意力缺乏 / 55
5.2 Start running from the gate 从门口开始起跑 / 57
5.3 The 5 minute rule 5分钟规则 / 58
5.4 Over performing is better than under performing,at least initially 在演讲初期,过度表演好于表演不够 / 60
5.5 The review 回顾 / 61
5.6 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 63
5.7 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 63
6 Things you should be aware of during the lecture 演讲进行中 / 65
6.1 Noise levels 噪音水平 / 66
6.2 Verbal feedback 口头反馈 / 67
6.3 Visual feedback 视觉反馈 / 69
6.4 Attention span of the typical audience 典型的听众注意力集中时间范围 / 70
6.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 72
6.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 73
7 Effective tools/tricks to energize your lecture 激情演讲的诀窍 / 75
7.1 Be sincere, confront your mistakes directly 真诚地直接面对你的错误 / 76
7.2 Maintain your command 控制演讲局势 / 78
7.3 Democratic lectures 民主的演讲者 / 80
7.4 Be on the offensive 保持一定的攻击性 / 85
7.5 Breaks, jokes, and other fun distractions 休息、笑话和其他消遣 / 88
7.6 Personalization 个性化 / 91
7.7 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 93
7.8 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 94
8 Common mistakes that turn good lectures into disasters 导致演讲彻底失败的常见问题 / 96
8.1 Overconfidence disguised as arrogance 表现为傲慢的过度自信 / 96
8.2 Packing too much into the lecture 演讲内容过多 / 98
8.3 Misconnection with the audience 与听众失去联系 / 100
8.4 Misusing overhead slides and PowerPoint presentations 滥用投影仪和幻灯片 / 102
8.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 108
8.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 109
9 At the end of the lecture 演讲的结尾 / 110
9.1 Do not rush 不要匆匆收场 / 111
9.2 Leave enough time for questions 留有足够的提问时间 / 113
9.3 Retain control until your last breath 控制演讲直至最后一刻 / 113
9.4 Remember, the last coat of paint is the one that lasts 画龙重在点睛 / 116
9.5 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 118
9.6 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 118
10 The art of academic lecturing 学术演讲的艺术 / 120
10.1 The first lecture 第一堂课 / 121
10.2 Tests and exams-to kill or not to kill 测验和考试——“逮获”还是“放过” / 123
10.3 Teaching assistants-the good, the bad, and the... 助教——好的、坏的…… / 124
10.4 Multi-section lecturing issues 多模块课程的问题 / 126
10.5 Always remember the primary goal 牢记初始目标 / 127
10.6 Post-lecture interactions 演讲后的互动 / 129
10.7 Course load assessment 课程负荷评估 / 130
10.8 Academic presentations 学术报告 / 132
10.9 Chapter summary本章小结 / 134
10.10 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 135
11 Making lectures come to life through labs 实验为演讲增彩 / 137
11.1 The point of labs and practical experience 实验课和实验操作要点 / 138
11.2 The relation between lectures and labs 实验和授课的关系 / 140
11.3 What a lab should not be 实验课戒律 / 141
11.4 The vranesic lab-lecture model Vranesic实验\\|授课模型 / 143
11.5 Large scale labs 大型实验室 / 144
11.6 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 145
11.7 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 146
12 Lecturing in non-academic contexts 关于非学术演讲 / 148
12.1 The business presentation 商务演讲 / 149
12.2 The perfect answer 精彩应答 / 151
12.3 The acronym shield 缩写词 / 152
12.4 Fifteen minutes 十五分钟规则 / 154
12.5 Professional lecturing 专业演讲 / 156
12.6 Political speeches versus academic lectures versus business presentations 政治演讲、学术演讲和商务演讲的比较 / 157
12.7 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 158
12.8 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 159
13 The mechanics of professional presentations 专业报告 / 161
13.1 The classic model 经典型 / 162
13.2 The shock model 震撼型 / 167
13.3 A hybrid approach 混和型 / 172
13.4 Chapter summary 本章小结 / 176
13.5 Chapter checklist 本章要点 / 177
14 Final words 结束语 / 179
14.1 Be persistent 持之以恒 / 180
14.2 Don’t force things that are not meant to be 不要强求 / 182
14.3 More art than science 艺术高于科学 / 184
14.4 Most important of all... 最重要的…… / 186
About the author 作者简介 / 188
Index 索引 / 190