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书名 | 新世纪基础英语(附光盘3学生用书供成人教育用外教社基础外语系列教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 曾静//张文涛//郑孟霞 |
出版社 | 上海外语教育出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 《新世纪基础英语》以初学英语的读者为对象,按照以学习者为中心的原则编写,突出自主性学习的作用和对语言实际运用能力的培养。全套教材分为学生用书和教师用书两种,各4册,除第一册分18个单元外,其他3册每册12个单元。本套教材的突出特点是:(1)基础性:最基本的语音、语调、语法知识,最基本的词汇,最常用的短语、句型;(2)简单性:课文语言简单、生动、直接、明了;(3)实用性:词汇、语法、句子、课文、练习不仅简单有趣,而且易学易用;(4)时代性:语言新(词汇、短语、句型都具有时代感)、题材新、编排新。 内容推荐 本书是学生用书的第3册,包括爱情、亲情、成长的烦恼、语言与文化、互联网、心理分析、求职、人生的思索、幸福的涵义、科普、时事等主题。 热身练习:让学生阅读课文之前先听课文录音,完成听写填空练习,并进行有关课文主题的讨论,从而激发他们的兴趣,开阔他们的思路,为正式进入课文学习做好准备。课文:每单元含A、B两篇课文,A为主课文,B为辅助课文,每篇课文之后都附有词汇表、专有名词表、常用词组表和详细的注释。对话:在A、B课文之间有一个紧扣单元主题、语言生动、表达地道的对话,并配有对话练习语境,使学生能够根据具体情况自由发挥,学以致用。写作:写作从句子开始,逐步过渡到段落和篇章,并以各种例句、范文和一定的练习来向学生介绍英语的基本写作技巧,使他们了解英语记叙文、描写文、说明文、应用文(含便条、简历、介绍信等)和议论文的基本写作方法。 目录 Unit 1 Love Text A A boy with a mission Dialogue Romance is usually a mystery Text B Hungry for your love Guided writing Simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences Grammar Punctuation I Unit 2 Growing-up Text A When Allie left home Dialogue I wish I had a sister like yours Text B It's not just how we play that matters Guided writing Relations between sentences I-- combination, expansion and transition Grammar Punctuation H Unit 3 Culture and language Text A Friendship in different cultures Dialogue What do you like to do with your free time? Text B Do the English understand English? Guided writing Relations between sentences II--parallelism, subordination and contraction Grammar Tag questions Unit 4 Lifestyle Text A How to install love Dialogue Would you please teach me how to use the computer? Text B My resignation Guided writing Topic sentences Grammar Phrasal verbs Unit 5 Happiness Text A The importance of just being there Dialogue Why don't you change your attitude and be happy? Text B The terribly, tragically sad man Guided writing Paragraph development by examples Grammar Compound words Unit 6 Communication Text A Communicating without body language Dialogue I ordered it through internet! Text B Internet addiction --fact or fantasy? Guided writing Paragraph development by comparison and contrast Grammar The word order of adjectives Unit 7 Psychoanalysis Text A Young Hans Dialogue Bird-watching on TV or in the mountains? Text B Doctor of the mind Guided writing Paragraph development by definition and classification Grammar Noun clauses Unit 8 A better world Text A I imagine world peace Dialogue Earth day Text B The butterfly on the redwood Guided writing Paragraph development by space and time Grammar Adverbial clauses of time, place, concession and comparison Unit 9 The most precious gift Text A The most precious gift Dialogue What is the most precious gift? Text B Wendy's story Guided writing Paragraph development by cause and effect Grammar Adverbial clauses of cause, purpose and result Unit 10 Popular science Text A Ants are smarter than we think Dialogue Does camel spit at people? Text B How plants prepare for winter Guided writing Concluding sentences Grammar Subordinate clauses Unit 11 Job and interview Text A How to handle different types of interview Dialogue I am qualified for the job I apply for Text B What to wear for job interviews Guided writing Unity and coherence I Grammar Appositives and appositive clauses Unit 12 Opinions Text A No gains without pains -- or are there? Dialogue Isn't it unfair, sir? Text B So-called psychic a simple trickster Guided writing Unity and coherence II Grammar Parallelism Appendix Glossary |
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