groove [gru:v] noun countable ■a long narrow hollow space cut into a surface 沟;槽;辙;纹•The window slides along a deep metal groove to open and close.窗户沿着一条深深的金属槽滑动打开或关上。 [gru:v] noun countable be in the groove informal ■to be operating or performing successfully 性能出色;表现理想;进行得很成功•Alex Popov proved he was back in the groove by winning the 100 metres freestyle.亚历克斯‧波波夫赢得了100米自由泳比赛,这证明他又回到了以前的良好竞技状态。 [gru:v] noun countable be stuck in a groove ■to be bored because you are doing the same things that you have done for a long time 感到单调乏味;墨守成规•We never do anything exciting any more - we seem to be stuck in a groove.我们做的事情不再让人感到有意思了——我们似乎太墨守成规了。 |