This text is geared toward simulation courses taught at either a graduate or undergraduate level. It contains an ideal blend of theory and practice and covers the use of simulation in both manufacturing and service systems. This makes it well-suited for use in courses in either an engineering or business curriculum. It is also suitable for simulation courses taught in statistics and computer science programs. The strong focus on the practical aspects of simulation also makes it a book that any practitioner of simulation would want to have on hand.
Simulation Using ProModet covers the art and science of simulation in general and the use of ProModet simulation software in particular. It is intended for use as a text in a graduate or undergraduate course in simulation in a Business, Engineering or Computer Science program. Practitioners in business and industry wilt also find the book useful as a self-study guide to simulation.
This text blends theory with practice presenting actual applications in business, services and manufacturing. General topics include simulation basics, planning, data collection and analysis, model building, mode[ verification and validation, output analysis and experimental design. Additionally, this is the first simulation text that covers simulation optimization using modern techniques. For a practical emphasis, complete chapters are devoted to typical modeling issues encountered in manufacturing, material handling and service systems.
The book promotes a hands-on approach to simulation. An accompanying CD contains a student version of ProModel a ProModet tutorial and ProModel lab solutions. This gives students art of the toots necessary for doing simulation. ProModel, one of the most widely used simulation languages in industry today, is covered in detail in the book. Lab exercises walk students through the use of ProModel. to do statistical distribution fitting, basic modeling, model verification and debugging, output analysis and optimization. A set of cases in manufacturing, warehousing and service industries is also provided that can be assigned as simulation projects.
1 Introduction to Simulation
2 System Dynamics 23
3 Simulation Basics 47
4 Getting Started 77
5 Data Collection and Analysis 99
6 Model Building 141
7 Model Verification and Validation 173
8 Simulation Output Analysis 193
9 Comparing Systems 221
10 Optimization 251
11 Modeling Manufacturing Systems 275
12 Modeling Material Handling Systems 299
13 Modeling Service Systems 321
Appendix A Generating Random Numbers and
Random Variates 339
Appendix B Distributions 347
Appendix C Critical Values for Student's t
Distribution (to) 362
Appendix D Standard Normal Cumulative Distribution 363
Appendix E FDistribution for a = 0.05 364
Case 1 Jai Hind Cycles Inc. Plans New Production Facility 367
Case2 The FSB Coin System 370
Case 3 Automated Warehousing at Athletic Shoe Company 371
Case 4 Concentrate Line at Florida Citrus Company 373
Case 5 Balancing the Production Line at Southern California Door Company 379
Case 6 Material Handling at California Steel Industries, Inc. 387
1 Introduction to ProModel 4.2 395
2 ProModel World View, Menu, and Tutorial 401
3 A Quick Look at ProModel 415
4 ProModel's Output Module 431
5 Fitting Statistical Distribution to Input Data 437
6 Basic Modeling Concepts 445
7 Model Verification and Validation 471
8 Output Analysis 479
9 Comparing Alternative Systems 489
10 Simulation Optimization with SimRunner 495
11 Intermediate Modeling Concepts 515
12 Material Handling Concepts 549
13 Additional Modeling Concepts 569