The present version, the only edition based on completely reedited texts, takes into account all versions that the author could have had a hand in influencing. Dozens of illustrations from the first American edition (1894) are included for oth texts.
Pudd'nhead Wilson, the novel that grew out of Those Extraordinary Twins, is Mark Twain's most direct statement about slavery and miscegenation. David Wilson and Roxana are two of Twain's most vividly drawn characters. The original tale about the Twins, pulled out of the much larger manuscript, has not been frequently available. From Lhe first serialized printing of Pudd'nhead Wilson in the Century Magane in 1893 and 1894 until the publication of the first Norton Uritical Edition, every published version was rife with textual errors. The present version, the only edition based on completely reedited texts, takes into account all versions that the author could have had a hand in influencing. All substantive variants, accepted md rejected, along with hundreds of nonsubstantive variants, are included, accompanied by extensive textual notes. This is the only lefinitive, authoritative version of the texts published. Dozens of illustrations from the first American edition (1894) are included for oth texts.
Five contemporary reviews--one of them new to this Second Edition--are followed by a rich collection of critical interpretations.From the large body of Twain scholarship, the editor has selected eighteen critical essays likely to stimulate classroom discussion, in-luding new essays by John Matson and Andrew Jay Hoffman and ieces by Linda Morris, Carolyn Porter, Myra Jehlen, John Carlos Rowe, and Susan Gillman, among others.
A Selected Bibliography is also included.
Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
End-of-Line Hyphenation in This Volume
The Text of Pudd'nhead Wilson
The Text of Those Extraordinary Twins
Textual Introduction and Tables of Variants
Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins:Textual Introduction
Pudd'nhead Wilson
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Substantives
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Substantives(Lengthy Passages)
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Accidentals
Rejected Variants: Substantives
Textual Notes
Those Extraordinary Twins
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Substantives
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Substantives(Lengthy Passages)
Emendations of the Copy-Text: Accidentals
Rejected Variants: Substantives
Textual Notes
Appendix 1: The Weather Signs Passage Deleted from
Pudd'nhead Wilson
Appendix 2: Words Deleted from Chapter 9 of Those
Extraordinary Twins
William Livingston Alden·From The Idler(August 1894)
From The Athenaeum (January 19, 1895)
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen·From Cosmopolitan(January 1895)
From The Critic (May 11, 1895)
T.M. Parrott·From The Booklover's Magazine(February 1904)
Bernard De Voto·[Mark Twain's Presentation of Slavery]
Leslie Fiedler·"As Free as Any Cretur..."
F. R. Leavis·Mark Twain's Neglected Classic:The Moral Astringency of Pudd'nhead Wilson
Henry Nash Smith·[Pudd'nhead Wilson as
Criticism of the Dominant Culture]
James M. Cox·The Ironic Stranger
Arlin Turner·Mark Twain and the South:Pudd'nhead Wilson
George M. Spangler·Pudd'nhead Wilson:A Parable of Property
John M. Brand·The Incipient Wilderness:A Study of Pudd'nhead Wilson
Stanley Brodwin·Blackness and the Adamic
Myth in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson
Arthur G. Pettit·The Black and White Curse:Pudd'nhead Wilson and Miscegenation
Barry Wood·Narrative Action and Structural
Symmetry in Pudd'nhead Wilson
John Matson·The Text That Wrote Itself:Identifying the Automated Subject in Pudd'nhead
Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins
Andrew Jay Hoffman·Pudd'nhead Wilson and the Roots of Existential Heroism
Linda A. Morris·Beneath the Veil: Clothing, Race,and Gender in Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson
Carolyn Porter·Roxana's Plot
Myra Jehlen·The Ties That Bind: Race and Sex in Pudd'nhead Wilson
John Carlos Rowe·Fatal Speculations: Murder,
Money, and Manners in Pudd'nhead Wilson
Susan Gillman·"Sure Identifiers": Race, Science,and the Law in Pudd'nhead Wilson
Selected Bibliography