The fascination of Kafka's stories borders on the miraculous. In 1945 the poet W. H. Auden remarked that Kafka stands in the same relation to his century as Shakespeare stood to his--he is its representative, the poet who gives it shape and form. It seemed a somewhat extravagant claim to make, but how perceptive it was.Today we might measure the intensity of Kafka's vision by the sheer quantity of hours that men and women devote to the reading and study of his work. There is a bookshop in the center of Prague, just yards away from the Kinsky "palace" where Kafka went to high school and his father had his business in ladies' finery; here, readers from all over the world can be seen poring over the copious new editions and translations of Kafka's work ...
In 1945, W. H. Auden remarked that Franz Kafka stands in the same relation to his century, as Shakespeare does to his. Sixty years later, Kafka continues to be regarded as the most fully representative writer of the twentieth century; his voice articulates the mood of the modern experience. This Norton Critical Edition collects thirty of Kafka's bestknown stories in new translations by Stanley Corngold, a leading Kafka scholar and translator. Each story is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations.
"Backgrounds and Sources" includes extracts from Kafka's letters, diaries, and conversations that offer readers a glimpse into Kafka's creative process.
From the wealth of published studies of Kafka's stories,together with studies newly commissioned from several leading German scholars, the editor has chosen for "Criticism" ten essays that address the major stories. Contributors include Danielle Allen, Walter Hinderer, Walter Sokel, Nicola Gess,Vivian Liska, Benno Wagner, John A. Hargraves, Gerhard Kurz,and Stanley Corngold.
A Chronology of Kafka's life and work and a Selected Bibliography are also included.
The Texts of Kafka's Selected Stories
The Judgment · A Story
The Stoker · A Fragment
In the Penal Colony
A Country Doctor · Little Stories
The New Lawyer
A Country Doctor
Up in the Gallery
A Page from an Old Document
Before the Law
Jackals and Arabs
The Worry of the Father of the Family
A Fratricide
A Dream
A Report to an Academy
A Starvation Artist · Four Storiesl
First Distress
A Starvation Artist
Joseflne, the Singer or The Mouse People
[Posthumously Published Stories]
The Bridge
The Hunter Gracchus · [Two Fragments]
Building the Great Wall of China
The Knock at the Courtyard Gate
A Crossbreed
An Everyday Event
The Silence of the Sirens
On the Question of the Laws
Researches of a Dog
A Comment
On Parables
The Burrow
Backgrounds and Contexts
[Letters, Diaries, and Conversations]
Stanley Corngold · [Preface to an Understanding of Kafka]
· In the Circle of "The Judgment"
Danielle Allen · Sounding Silence
Walter Hinderer · An Anecdote by Kafka: "A Fratricide"
Walter Sokel · Identity and the Individual, or Past and Present
Nicola Gess · The Politics of Listening: The Power of Song in Kafka's "Josefine, the Singer"
Vivian Liska · Positions: On Franz Kafka's "Poseidon"
Benno Wagner · "No one indicates the direction":The Question of Leadership in Kafka's Later Stories
John A. Hargraves · Kafka and Silence: An Alternate View of Music
Gerhard Kurz · The Rustling of Stillness: Approaches to Kafka's The Burrow
Franz Kafka: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography