沈辉这辈子流过三次眼泪。第一次,他还是青葱少年,以为急救室里的苏浅就要死了。第二次,苏浅这个害人不浅的抛下他去了美国。第三次,苏浅当着所有人的面对他说了一句话。 此文被读者贴过天雷、狗血标签,外加无数人不喜。慎入。 Very Much To Me by Matthew Lien You are very much to me In my life, in my heart, in my soul You are very much to me And I just wanted you to know I only want to say I want to say what I feel in my heart That I am with you all the way And there's no doubt in my heart That we should not be apart 新文:古代重生《贱者长存》。请进 完结文 请点击,收藏猫猫^^