From the first look and first date to first fight, breaking up and making up, the world of dating can be a minefield for the unprepared. International relationship guru, John Gray turns his expertise to the language and behaviour of dating couples...
From the first look and first date to first fight, breaking up and making up, the world of dating can be a minefield for the unprepared. International relationship guru, John Gray turns his expertise to the language and behaviour of dating couples.
John Gray helps both men and women play the daring game with its complex rules of etiquette and behaviour, and explains how to separate fact from fantasy in conversation, body language and future expectations. He will also help new couples figure out whether they are partners for life or just enjoying a brief encounter.
His humorous insight and practical advice will help men and women alike to reach doser understanding, love and commitment, and have fun on the way!
1 Mars and Venus on a Date
2 Finding the Right Person for You
3 Stage One: Attraction
4 Stage Two: Uncertainty
5 Stage Three: Exclusivity
6 Stage Four: Intimacy
7 Stage Five: Engagement
8 Making It Through the Five Stages
9 When the Clock Keeps Tickihg and
He's Not Wearing a Watch
10 Men Are'Like Blowtorches,
Women Are Like Ovens
11 The Dynamics of Male and Female Desire
12 Men Pursue and Women Flirt
13 Acknowledge Men and Adore Women
14 Men Advertise and Women Share
15 Why Men Don't Call
16 To Call or Not to Call
17 Men Love a Woman with a Smile
18 Women Love a Man with a Plan
19 Why Some Women Remain Single
20 Where to Find Your Soul Mate
21 101 Places to Meet Your Soul Mate
And They Lived Happily Ever After