释义 |
magazine [ˌmæg.ə'zi:n] noun countable BOOK 书 ESSENTIAL (informal mag) ■a type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover which contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month 杂志,期刊•She has written articles for several women's magazines.她为几家女性杂志撰稿。 •a glossy magazine用亮光纸印刷的杂志 •men's mags男性杂志 •a magazine rack杂志架 [ˌmæg.ə'zi:n] noun countable GUN PART 枪的部件 ■a part of a gun in which cartridges are stored, or a building in which explosives, weapons and supplies are kept (枪的)弹仓,弹盒;军火库,军械库 |