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书名 20世纪英美诗歌导读
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 张礼龙
出版社 厦门大学出版社



第一部分 英国诗歌(British Poetry)

艾尔弗雷德·丁尼生(Lord Tennyson,Alfred 1809—1892)



罗伯特·布朗宁(Robert Browning 1812—1889)

 Mv Last Duchess

 Meeting at Night

 Parting at Morning

马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold 1822—1888)

 Dover Beach

 Calais Sands

托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy 1840—1928)

 A Broken ADpointment

 The Ruined Maid

 Ah·Are You Digging on My Grave?

 In Time of“The Breaking of Nations

 The Conve骅nce of the Twain

A·E·豪斯曼(A·E·Housman 1859—1936)

 When I Was One and Twenty

 Look Not in My Eyes

 Oh See How Thick the Goldeup Flowers

 dong the Field As We Came By

 The Laws of God the Laws of Man

 To an Athlete Dying Young

威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats 1865—1939)

 The Second Coming

 The Lake lsle of Innisfree

 The Sorrow of Love

 When You Are Old

 The Wild Swan at Coole

约翰·梅斯菲尔德(John Masefield 1878—1967)



D·H·劳伦斯(D·H·Lawrence 1885—1930)


 Cherry Robbers

鲁佩特·布鲁克(Rupert Brooke 1887—1915)

 The Soldier

 The Dead

T·S·艾略特Thomas Steams Eliot 1888—1965)

 The Love Song of J·Alfred P11Iflmck

W·H·奥登(W·H·Auden 1907—19731

 The Unknown Citizen

 Who’S Who

斯蒂芬·斯班德(Stephen Spender 1909—1999)

 The Express

 Moving Through the Silent Cmwd

狄兰·托马斯(Dylan Thomas 1914—1953)

 Do Not Go Gentle into That GOod Night

 Fern Hill

菲利浦·拉金(Philip Larkin 1922—1985 1


 Church Going

特德·休斯(Ted Hughes 1930—1998)



第二部分 美国诗歌(American Poetry)

华尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819—1892)

 There Was a Child Went Forth

 I Saw in Louisiana a Live—Oak Growing

 Cavalry Crossing a Ford

 from Song of Myself

 A Noiseless Patient Spider

 When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer 

埃米莉·伊丽莎白·狄金森(Emily Elisabeth Dickinson 1830—1886)

 Suceess Is Counted Sweetest(67)

 T0 Fight Aloud Is Very Brave(126)

 “Hope”Is the Thing with Feathers(254)

 I’m Nobody!Who Are You?(288)

 A Bird Came Down the Walk(328)

 Much Madness Is Divinest Sense(435)

 Because I Could Not Stop for Death(712)

 A Narrow Fellow in the Grass(986)

 Crumbling Is Not an Instant’s Act(997)

 I Never Saw a Moor(1052)

 Apparently with No Surprise(1624)

埃德加·李·马斯特斯(Edgar lee Masters 1869—1950)

 George Gray

 Fiddler Jones

埃德温·阿灵顿·罗宾(Edwin Arlington Robinson 1869—1935)

 Richard Cory

 Miniver Cheevy。

 Mr·Flood’S Party

斯蒂芬·克莱恩(Stephen Crane 1871—1900)

 War Is Kind

 A Man Said to the Universe

 A God in Wmth 

 I Saw a Man Pursuing the Horizon

 Supposing That t Should Have the Courage

保罗·劳伦斯·邓巴(Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872—19061


 Life’s Tragedy

罗伯特·弗罗(Robert Frost 1874—19631

 Tree at My Window

 Fire and Ice


 Mending Wall

 Acquainted with the Night

 The Gift Outright

 Nothing Gold Can Stay

卡尔·桑德堡(Cad Sandburg 1878—1967)

 The Harbor 


 Prayers of Steel


沃莱士·史蒂文斯(Wallace Stevens 1879—19551

 Anecdote of the Jar

 Disillusionn~nt of Ten 0’CAock

 The Death of a Soldier

威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(William Carlos Williams 1884—1963)


 The Red Wheelbarrow

 The Widow’s Lan~nt in Springtime

伊兹拉·庞德(Ezra Pound 1885—1972)

 In a Station of tIle Metro

 Fan—Piece for Her Imperial Lord

 The River-Merchant’s Wife:A Letter

罗宾逊·杰弗斯(Robinson Jeffers 1887—1962)

 Summer Holiday

 Evening Ebb

约翰·克劳·兰塞姆(John Crowe Ransom 1888—1974)

 Janet Waking

 Bells for John Whiteside’s Daughter

阿奇波德·麦克利许(Archibald Macleish 1892—1982)

 Ars Poetiea 

 The End of the World

 Dr·Siaund Freud Discovers the Sea SheH

兰斯敦·(Langston Hughes 1902—1967)

 The Negro Speaks of Rivers

 Mother to Son

 As I Grew Older

康梯·喀伦(Countee Cullen 1903—1946)

 Any Human to Another

 From the Dark Tower

罗伯特·潘·沃伦(Robert Penn Warren 1905—1989)

 Why Boy Came to Lonely Place

 Mortal Limit

威廉·斯塔福德(William Stafford 1914—1993)

格温朵琳·布鲁克斯(Gwendolyn Brooks 1917—2000)

 Kitchenette Building

 The Preacher:Ruminates behind the Sermon

 rnle Sonnet Ballad

 Ⅵre Real Cool 

 Old People Working(garden,car)

 In Honor of Dafid Anderson Brooks My Father

罗伯特·洛厄尔(Robert Lowell 1917—1977)



 Kathefine’s Dream

理查德·威尔伯(Richard Wilb 1921—)

 The Beautiful Changes

 Boy at the Window

阿伦·金斯堡(Allen Ginsberg 1926—1997)

 A Supermarket in California

 from America

阿德莉安·里奇(Adrienne Rich 1929—)


 Living in Sin

默温(W·S·Merwin 1927一)

 The Drunk in tIle Furnace

 Looking for Mushrooms at Sunrise






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