creature UK ['kri:.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] noun countable IMPROVER ■any large or small living thing which can move independently; an animal 生物;动物•Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.雨林中满是奇异的生灵。 •Don't all living creatures have certain rights?难道不是一切生物都具有某些权利吗? •Blue whales are the largest creatures ever to have lived.蓝鲸是有生命以来最大的动物。 ADVANCED ■used to refer to a life form that is unusual or imaginary (神秘不寻常的)怪物,生物;(想像出来的)生物•The unicorn is a mythical creature.独角兽是神话中虚构出来的东西。 •The film was about creatures from outer space.电影讲述的是来自外部空间的怪物。 •The duck-billed platypus is a truly bizarre creature.鸭嘴兽的确是一种奇异的动物。 ■used to refer to a person when an opinion is being expressed about them …的人•John is a strange/weak/pathetic creature.约翰是个怪人/软弱的人/可怜人。 •A lovely blonde creature (= a beautiful blonde woman) walked into the room.一位美丽的金发女郎走进了房间。 UK ['kri:.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] noun countable be the creature of sb/sth formal disapproving ■to do everything that you are asked to do by a particular person or organization, without question 是…的傀儡;成为…的奴才•He had become the creature of the secret police.他成了秘密员警的走狗。 UK ['kri:.tʃər] US [-tʃɚ] noun countable creature of habit ■someone who always does the same thing in the same way 墨守成规的人;生活极有规律的人•My father's such a creature of habit - he always has to have a biscuit and a cup of tea at bedtime.我父亲生活极有规律——睡前总要吃块饼干喝杯茶。 |