THE FIRST FRENCH EDITION of this book is dated 1987. This is fairly logical, in that the 1980s was a decade that wimessed a spectacular growth in public interest in forms of contemporary art rooted in the historic avant-gardes. In France, in particular, a dynamic cultural policy driven by the ministry headed by Jack Lang (which set up museums and art centers, bought works and commissioned new pieces), plus the growth in the number of galleries and collectors, began to respond to the increasing diversity of the art being produced. For more than three decades,artists had been radically rethinking both their tools and their role in society. Many of them also evinced a desire to look beyond national frontiers and work in phase with art in other countries.We should, after all, bear in mind that in 1989, the year of the bicentennial of the French Revolution, Paris hosted what was no doubt the first exhibition of the era of globalization, Les Magiens de la Terre.
At last, the museum appropriates an object
that remains elusive
The Beginnings of Social Recognition
The Avant-gardes against Nationalism
The Object in the Museum--What Object?
II. The work of art in the greater scheme of things
Long Live Progress
The Eye Aggressed and Dispossessed
From Progress to the Disappearance of Art
Engineer or Demiurge?
III. The artist in the world
Collective Action
The Collective Unconscious
Time in Painting, Meaning History
"The Image of the Image"
The Model in the Image and the Image in Language
"Spaces Rather Than Images"
Doubts Cast on Art
IV. The definition of the work of art
Painting Demonstration
A Rereading of History and a New Start
The Archeology of Painting and Archeology of the Subject
The Strategy of Encirclement
Back to Tradition
V. From "everything is art" to everything is deceptive
Art as Insignificant
Art Sticks to the Real
Promenades and Collections
A Withdrawal into the Self?. Far from it
Pedagogical Leanings
The Elusive Author
VI. Beyond the Avant-gardes and back again
The End of the Avant-gardes?
Back to the Reality of Things
From Support-Surface to Figuration
The Myth of Spontaneous Creation
The Ambiguity of Pittura Colta
The Eclecticism of Installations
The Crossroads of Photography
Nagging Doubts
VII. The society of the museum
Institutions, Circulation, Subsidies
Exhibition Value
Art-world Players
Managing the Death of Art
Narcissism Fills in for Fetishism
VIII. Virtual works in a fragmented artistic field
Atomized Art, Atomized Art World
Perversions of Modernism
Space Rather Than the Object
Efflorescent Surfaces, Evanescent Images
IX. The triumph of contemporary art?
New Spaces, Networks, and Dynamics
The Paucity of Theory, Discourses of Authority, Disputes
Fashion Systems
Painting Is Back!
An Uncertain Feeling