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单词 high
释义 high
[haɪ] adjective
■(especially of things that are not living) being a large distance from top to bottom or a long way above the ground, or having the stated distance from top to bottom (尤指无生命的东西)高的,有…高的
a high building/mountain高楼/高山
high ceilings高高的天花板
It's two and a half metres high and one metre wide.它有两公尺半高,一公尺宽。
The corn grew waist-high (= as high as a person's waist) in the fields.田里的玉米长到了及腰的高度。
[haɪ] adjective
■greater than the usual level or amount (比通常水准)高的,多的
The job demands a high level of concentration.这项工作需要高度集中精神
He suffers from high blood pressure.他患有高血压。
Antique furniture fetches very high prices these days.这段时间古董家俱的价位很高。
She got very high marks in her geography exam.她的地理考试分数很高。
It's very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads are wet.在潮湿的路面上高速驾驶是很危险的。
He's in a high-security prison.他被关在一处戒备森严的监狱中。
high standards/principles
■very good or very moral standards 高标准/高度的道德标准
She was a woman of high principles.她是一位道德高尚的女士。
She demands very high standards from the people who work for her.她对底下工作的人要求很高。
high winds
■fast, strong wind 大风,强风
High winds caused delays on the ferries.大风导致渡轮延误。
[haɪ] adjective
■having power, an important position, or great influence (权位)重要的,高级的
an officer of high rank高级军官
[haɪ] adjective
■near or at the top of the range of sounds 高音的,声音尖锐的
I can't reach the high notes.这些高音我唱不上去。
[haɪ] adjective
BAD 坏的 UK (of food) smelling bad and no longer good to eat (食物)腐坏的,变质的
This meat is rather high - shall I throw it out?这块肉已经腐坏了——我要不要把它丢掉?
[haɪ] adjective
■not thinking or behaving normally because of taking drugs (因吸毒而)极度亢奋的
He was high on heroin at the time.他当时正因吸了海洛因而飘飘欲仙。
[haɪ] adjective
be as high as a kite informal
■to behave in a silly or excited way because you have taken drugs or drunk a lot of alcohol (吸毒或大量饮酒后)极度兴奋,神情恍惚
I tried to talk to her after the party, but she was as high as a kite.我想在聚会之后跟她谈谈,但她喝酒喝得神情恍惚。
■to feel very happy and excited 非常高兴;异常激动
I was a high as a kite when I'd heard I'd got the job.当得知我得到那份工作时,我高兴极了。
[haɪ] adjective
come/get (down) off your high horse
■to stop talking as if you were better or more clever than other people 别再自以为是
It's time you came down off your high horse and admitted you were wrong.现在该是你停止批评别人、承认自己错误的时候了。
[haɪ] adjective
get on your high horse
■to start talking angrily about something bad that someone else has done as if you feel you are better or more clever than they are 自以为是,自命不凡
[haɪ] adjective
have it on the highest authority formal
■to have been told something by someone who knows the truth 据知情人士透露
I have it on the highest authority that they are getting a divorce.我听知情人士说他们正要离婚。
[haɪ] adjective
high and mighty disapproving
■Someone who is high and mighty behaves as if they are more important than other people. 盛气凌人的;趾高气昂的
[haɪ] adjective
hunt / search high and low
■to search everywhere for something 到处找
I've been hunting high and low for that certificate and I still can't find it!我到处找那张证书,但还是找不到!
[haɪ] adjective
leave sb high and dry informal
■to do something which is not at all convenient for someone and put them in a very difficult situation 给(某人)带来麻烦;使(某人)陷入困境
They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us high and dry.他们在最后一刻退出了交易,使我们陷入困境。
[haɪ] adjective
live high on / off the hog US informal often disapproving
■to live in great comfort with a lot of money 过奢华的生活
[haɪ] adjective
on high old use
■in heaven 在天上
God looked down from on high.上帝在天上看着我们。
mainly humorous
■If an order comes from on high, it comes from someone in a position of authority (命令)由上级下达的,来自高层的
Instructions came from on high to reduce our travel expenses.上级指示要缩减我们的差旅费用。
[haɪ] noun
 IMPROVER  countable
■a higher level than has ever been reached previously 最高水准,高潮
Interest rates have reached an all-time/record high.利率达到了历史最高点/创纪录的高水准。
[haɪ] noun
countable usually singular
■a period of extreme excitement or happiness when you feel full of energy, often caused by a feeling of success, or by drugs or alcohol or a religious experience (因获得成功带来的)极度兴奋;(毒品、酒精或宗教体验引起的)快感,极乐
Exercise gives you a high.运动使人兴奋。
She's been on a high ever since she got her article published.自从她的文章发表以来,她情绪一直非常高涨。
There are lots of highs and lows in this job.这份工作中有很多快乐,也有许多沮丧。
[haɪ] noun
only singular US informal for
high school (when used in the name of a school) (用于中学名称中)
I go to Santa Ana High.我念圣安娜高中。
[haɪ] adverb
■at or to a large distance from the ground 在高处;高高地
You'll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net.你必须把球打得相当高,这样它才能越过那网。
Concorde flew much higher than most aeroplanes.协和式喷射机飞得比大多数飞机都高很多。




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