Sitting in bed very early one January morning, hugging a cup of coffee, was the moment I realised that I'd run out of excuses as to why I wasn't living the life I wanted and felt I deserved, and why the happiness and contentment I sought seemed to elude me.
Those 'excuses', the ones I'd used to stop me following all my dreams, had walked out the door ten minutes earlier. Two sons returning to their own life adventures at college, and one husband who was starting a job at the other end of the country, had all left together in a cheerful post-Christmas chaos of luggage, hugs and promises to ring later in the week.
Whether you want to make more time in your life, or plan a whole new way ahead, The Life Audit helps you ask the big questions about the direction your life is taking and provides the clear focus you need to take stock of where you are now, fast track towards your chosen goals - and arrive where you were always meant to be.
It's simple and it really works. Packed with great advice and real-life success stories, The Life Audit will open the door to the life you want.
What is an audit?
Why audit your life?
A three-stage process: the Life Audit principles
in brief
The Life Audit - First Stage
Filling in Your Life Audit- who are you?
Personal Information - facts and figures
Really Personal Information- ambitions
and frustrations
Your Time Spreadsheet - making every
minute count
Daily Time Log 30 Pie Charts 34 Day Journal
Your Time Balance Sheet- adding value and
making Investments
Stocktake Your Life- daily logs and double
Health Stocktake (physical wellbeing / fitness / diet and
weight loss) 57 Relationship Stocktake 70 Home
Stocktake 81 Image Stocktake (clothes / grooming /
style) 92 Money Stocktake 102 Work Stocktake
106 Leisure Stocktake 112 Citizenship Stocktake
116 Soul Stocktke 119 Mortality Stocktake 122
Wrapping up the First Stage of the Audit
The Life Audit - Second Stage
Opening Stock - so this is who you really are
Breakeven - do just this and survive
Sleep Breakeven 131 Health Breakeven 135 Fitness
Breakeven 141 Weight and Diet Breakeven 145
Relationship Breakeven (significant others / family / friends
/ acquaintances / colleagues / professionals and support
services) 148 Home Breakeven (cupboards, drawers
and shelves / shopping/housework) ,164 Image
Breakeven (grooming / wardrobe) 182 Money
Breakeven 191 Work Breakeven (if you're happy in your
job / if you're not happy in your job/the daily commute)
200 Leisure Breakeven 206 Citizenship Breakeven
207 Soul Breakevet 211 Mortality Breakeven 213
Your Best Breakeven Position- wrapping up
the second stage
The Life Audit - Third Stage
Margins for Growth - spot your potential
Investment Opportunities - planning a
better future
Trading Adjustments - making informed
Reconciliation- facing up to facts
Become a Life Entrepreneur- now you've
got real, be brave
Credit Rating- take it where it's due and
play to your strengths
Takeover Target - live life on your terms
and don't be ambushed
Profit and Loss - keep assessing this new
life and this new you
The Life Audit - Charts