"Among Latin American writers only Colombia’s Gabriel Garcia Marquez is more widely read than Brazil’s Paulo Coelho."
--The Economist
"[Coelho] has attained the technical levels of a Saint-Exupery."
--Folha de Sao Paolo, Brazil
"Coelho exhibits an amazing virtue of transparency that makes his writing like a path of energy that inadvertently leads readers to themselves, toward their mysterious and faraway souls:’
--Figaro Litteraire, France
Here Paulo Coelho details his journey across Spain along the legendary road of San Tiago, which pilgrims have traveled since the Middle Ages. On this contemporary quest, he encounters a Chaucerian variety of mysterious guides and devilish opponents and learns to understand the nature of truth through the simplicity of life.
The Pilgrimage holds an important place in Paulo coelhos literarycanon. His first book, it not only paved the way for his phenomenal novelThe Alchemist, but it also fully expresses his humanist philosophy and thedepth of his unique search for meaning.
Map: The Road to Santiago
The Seed Exercise
The Creator and the Created
The Speed Exercise
The Cruelty Exercise
The Messenger
The Messenger Ritual
The Arousal of Intuition
(The Water Exercise)
The Blue Sphere Exercise
The Buried Alive Exercise
Personal Vices
The RAM Breathing Exercise
The Shadows Exercise
Command and O’bedience
The Listening Exercise
The Tradition
The Dance Exercise
El Cebrero
Santiago de Compostela