This box probably isn't the best choice for you. Itcontains three recent installments from my exhaustive researchinto the lives of the doomed Baudelaire orphans: THE SLIPPERYSLOPE, THE GRIM GROTTO, and THE PENULTIMATE PERIL.
When three books are crowded together, placed in a small box,and shrouded in sturdy plastic wrapping, it can mean only one oftwo things. It can mean that the books contain sensitive secretsand possibly evidence of an alarming conspiracy. Or, it can meanthat the books are not enjoyable at all and shouldn't be opened orread by anyone under any circumstances, unless of course a mem-ber of a secret organization is specifically directed to do so andequipped with a special plastic-wrap cutter and a small crowbarfor that purpose.
Either way, this box probably isn't the best choice for you. Itcontains three recent installments from my exhaustive researchinto the lives of the doomed Baudelaire orphans: THE SLIPPERYSLOPE, THE GRIM GROTTO, and THE PENULTIMATE PERIL. Tusebooks contain a great many calamities, including abandonedcondiments, cigarette smoking, a shocking revelation, a ridiculous laugh, a luxury hotel, another shocking revelation, and Phil.If you are a happy and well-adjusted individual, then it would be aterrible shame ~o ruin it all now by reading about such thin~s, Ifyou aren't a happy and well-adjusted individual, it's still not too lateto become one by puttm this box down.