Stunningly beautiful, high performance glass files are increasingly popular for walls, counferfops, and floor coverings in kitchens and bafhs. As seen in fhe 205 beautiful color phofos, a wide variefy of forms and colors are available, produced by many skilled glass arfisfs, tiles are displayed bofh close up fo reveal fheir individual beaufy and insfalled fo show ways in which fhese versatile files can be used.
The engaging fexf provides details of file colors, fexfures, finishes,patterns, sizes, shapes, and sfyles, providing fhe reader wifh many ideas for interior decoration. Quickly discover fhaf bafhroom file is not jusf for fhe shower! Whefher you fancy a kifchen in fhe Modern, Traditional,Art Deco, Contemporary, Lodge, or American Counfry sfyle, glass files are readily available fo suite your taste! Everyone from do-if-yourselfers fo professional designers will find fhis book inspirational.