Originally published anonymously, The Federalist Papers first appeared in 1787 as a series of letters to New York newspapers exhorting voters to ratify the proposed Constitution of the United States. Still hotly debated, and open to often controversial interpretations,the arguments first presented here by three of America's greatest patriots and political theorists were created during a critical moment in our nation's history,providing readers with a running ideological commentary on the crucial issues facing a democracy.Today The Federalist Papers are as important and vital a rallying cry for freedom as ever.
The Federalist appeared with remarkable regularity, considering the fact that two men were doing the work of three. It blanketed the city of New York, coming out in four of the citys five newspapers, and prompting this angry letter to the editors:We take McLean to read Publius in the best edition, and he gives us two at a time; and Childs for the daily news and advertisements, but they are curtailed--and we are disappointed-for the purpose of serving up the same Publius at our expense. Loudon we take for his morality and evangelic sentiments; but here again we are imposed upon by being made to pay for the very same Publius, who has become nauseous by having been served up to us no less than in two other papers on the same day.
A Outline of the Argument
A Note on the Text
The Federalist
The Constitution of the United States