Frank Lloyd Wright: Mid-Century Modern is a comprehensive examination of an under-explored period in Wright's career,a time dating from roughly 1935 to 1958, during which this master architect was at his most daring and innovative.Providing an illuminating perspective on such extraordinary masterpieces as the Kaufmann House (Fallingwater) and Taliesin West, as well as inviting exploration of more than fifty other extraordinary houses and buildings--including the C. Leigh Stevens House (Auldbrass), the Mrs. Clinton Walker House, the Donald and Virginia Lovness House, as well as the Usonian Automatics, to name only a few--Frank Lloyd Wright. Mid-Century Modern will serve the reader as a frequently surprising trove of architectural riches.
The mid-twentieth century was one of the most productive and inventive periods in Frank Lloyd Wright's career, producing such masterworks as the Guggenheim Museum, Price Tower,Fallingwater, the Usonian Houses, and the Lovness House, as well as a vast array of innovative furniture and object design. With a wide variety of shapes and forms--ranging from honeycombs to spirals--this period defies simplistic definition.Simplicity, democratic designs, and organic forms characterize Mid-Century Modern, and, mentoring such mid-century talents as Richard Neutra and Rudolph Schindler among others, Wright was one of its most influential proponents. Frank Lloyd Wright: Mid-Century Modem is a comprehensive examination of an under-explored period in Wright's career, a time dating from roughly 1935 to 1958,during which this master architect was at his most daring and innovative.
Frank Lloyd Wright: Mid-Century Modern
By Alan Hess
Frank Lloyd Wright and World War II, 1939-45
By John Zukowsky
Exuberant Fifties: Wright and the Guggenheim
By Monica Ramirez-Montagut
Mid-Century Modern Houses
House List
Mid-Century Houses
Liliane and Edgar J. Kaufmann House 1935
Herbert and Katherine Jacobs House I 1936
Herbert Johnson House 1937
Taliesin West 1938
C. Leigh Stevens House 1939
Stanley and Mildred Rosenbaum House 1939
Goetsch-Winckler House 1939
George Sturges House 1939
Clarence Sondern House 1939
Gregor and Elizabeth Affleck House 1940
Lowell and Agnes Walter House 1945
Sara and Melvyn Smith House 1946
Herman T. Mossberg House 1946
Mrs. Clinton Walker House 1948
Katherine and Maynard Buehler House 1948
J.Willis Hughes House 1949
Henry Neils House 1949
Anne and Eric Brown House 1949
Wilbur Pearce House 1950
Don and Mary Lou Schaberg House 1950
R, Bradford and Ina Harper House 1959
Robert and Gloria Berger House 1950
William and Mary Palmer House 1950
Kad Staley House 1950
Russell and Ruth Kraus House 1950
Roland and Ronny Reisley House 1951
Gabrielle and Charlcey Austin House 1951
Nathan and Jeanne Rubin House 1952
R.W. Lindholm House 1952
Jorgine Boomer House 1952
Andrew and Maude Cooke House 1953
Harold Price Jr. House 1953
WilliamThaxton House 1953
Gloria Bachman and Abraham Wilson House 1954
iaurice and Margaret Greenberg House 1954
Harold Price Sr. House 1954
Cedric and Patricia Boulter House 1954
GeraldTonkens House 1954
Elizabeth and WilliamTracy House 1954
John Rayward House 1955
Harriet and Randall Fawcett House 1955
H. And DorothyTurkel House 1955
Maximilian Hoffman House 1955
Donald and Virginia Lovness House 1955
Theodore and Bette Pappas House 1955
Llewellyn and Elizabeth Wright House 1956
Allen Friedman House 1956
Marshall Erdman Prefabricated Homes 1957-1961
Robert and iaryWalton House 1957
Paul and Helen Olfelt House 1958
George and Millie Ablin House 1958
Don Stromquist House 1958
Seth Condon Peterson Cottage 1958