Alcoholic Beverages and Alcoholism(含酒精饮料与酒精中毒)Kartik Shankar and
Harihara M Mehendale
Ancient Warfare and Toxicology(古战争毒理学)Adrienne Mayor
Bhopal(印度鲍帕尔市)Pallavi B Limaye and Harihara M MehendaIe
Bio Warfare and Terrorism.Toxins and Other Mid—Spectrum Agents(生物战与恐
怖主义:毒素与其他中间谱毒剂/毒素)James M Madsen
Chemical Hazard Communication and Material Safety Data Sheets(化学危害信息交
流及材料安全数据表)Michele R Sullivan and Patricia M Nance
Chemical Mixtures,Toxicology and Risk Assessment(化合物毒性与危害评价)
see Mixtures,Toxicology and Risk Assessment(拓展卷)
Chemical Warfare Delivery Systems(化学战传输系统)Thomas Cain and George O
Chemical Warfare During wwl(第一次世界大战期间的化学战)George O Bizzigotti
Chernobyl(切尔诺贝利)Amy Bickham Baird and Ronald K Chesser
Clean Air Act(CAA),US(美国空气净化法)Robert Kapp
Clean Water Act(CWA),US(美国水净化法)Robert Kapp
Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation,and Liability Act,US
(美国环境污染经济赔偿综合法)Robert Kapp
Criminal Enforcement of Environmental Laws(环境法的犯罪执行)Grant R Trjgger
Cuyahoga River(库亚哈嘎河)Lee R Shugart
Delaney Clause(德莱尼修正案)Robin C Guy
Donora:Air Pollution Episode(多诺拉大气污染事件)Michael A Kamrin
Drugs of Abuse(药品滥用)Molly Broderick and Teresa Dodd—Butera
Emergency Response and Preparedness(应急反应与准备)Glenn C Millner,Patrick
M Brady andThomas L Murta
Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome(嗜曙红细胞增多症)Ken Kulig
Exxon Valdez(艾克森瓦尔迪兹号)Michael A Kamrin,Pallavi B Limaye and Harihara
M Mehendale
FAO(粮食农业组织)see Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Federal Insecticide,Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act,US(美国联邦杀虫剂,杀菌剂
和杀鼠剂法)Chris F Wilkinson and Michael A Kamrin
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome(胎儿酒精综合征)Kartik Shankar and Harihara M MehendaIe
Fish Consumption Advisory(鱼类消费建议)John L Hesse
Food Additives(食品添加剂)James C Griffiths and Joseph F Borzelleca
Food AdditiveS:Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee(食品添加剂专门委员会)
see Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings(JECFA and JMPR)
Food Quality Protection Act,US(美国食品质量保护法)Patricia M Nance
Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act,US(美国食品、药物和化妆品法)Robert Kapp
Generally Recognized as Safe(GRAS)(公认无害)Samantha E Gad
Great Smog of London(伦敦大雾)Yvonne R Rodriguez
Hazardous Chemicals,Import/Export of(危险化学药品进出VI)Marjorie Collins
Hemlock,Poison(斑点毒芹、铁杉)Michael Wahl
Hemlock,Water(水生斑点毒芹)Michael Wahl
History of Toxicology(毒理学史)see Toxicology,History of
Import and Export of Chemicals(化学试剂进出VI)see Hazardous Chemicals,
Import/Export of
Information Resources in Toxicology(毒理学信息资源)Frederick W Berman
Islip Garbage Barge(Islip垃圾驳船)Todd Canedy
Itabltai(痛痛病、镉中毒)Rika Shuto
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meetings(JECFA and JMPR)(FAO/WHO联合专家委员会)
Angelika Tritscher
Killer Lakes(杀人湖事件)Pertti J Hakkinen
Law and Toxicology(法律与毒理学)Jack W Snyder
Love Canal(拉夫运河事件)Michael A Kamrin
Minamata(水俣病)Stephen C Bondy
Notorious Poisoners and Poisoning Cases(恶名昭彰的投毒者和中毒事件)Joanna
Willis,Thomas Holdsworth and Katherine Cathrow
Occupational Safetv and Health Act,US(美国职业安全与卫生法)Michael A Kamrin
OECD(经济合作与发展组织)see Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Deve
Pesticide Residues:Joint FAO/WHO Meeting(农药残留物联合会议)see Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Meetings(JECFA and JMPR)
P011utant Release and Transfer Registers(PRTRs)(污染物释出及转运申报制度)
Philip Wexler and Henrik Harjula
Pollution Prevention Act,US(美国污染防护法)Shayne C Gad
Proposition 65,California(加州65号决议)Samantha E Gad
Redbook(红皮书)Robin C Guy
Regulation,Toxicology and(毒性与调节)Michael A Kamrin
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act,US(美国资源保护和回收法)Mario Man—
Safe Drinking Water Act,US(美国安全性饮用水法案)Robert Kapp
Saint John’S Wort(圣约翰草、贯叶连翘)Molly Broderick and Teresa Dodd-Butera
Seveso Disaster,and the Seveso and Seveso II Directives(塞维索灾难,塞维索一号及二号指令)Pertti J Hakkinen
Shellfish Poisoning,Paralytic(蛤贝中毒致瘫)F Lee Cantrell
Silent Spring(寂静的春天)Michael A Kamrin
Smog(烟雾)see Great Smog of London
Terrorism(恐怖主义)see Bio Warfare and Terrorism:Toxins and Other Mid-SDec
trum Agents
Texas City Disaster(德克萨斯州灾难)Paramasivam Srinivasan
Three Mile Island(三里岛事件)John Sorensen
Times Beach(泰晤士海滩事件)Pertti J Hakkinen
Toxic Substances Control Act,US(美国有毒物质控制法、毒品管理条例)Robert
Toxic Torts(中毒性侵权行为)Jack W Snyder
Toxicology in the Arts,Culture,and Imagination(艺术文化与创作中的毒理学)
Philip Wexler
Toxicology,Education and Careers(教育与职业毒理学)Susan J Borghoff
Toxicology,History of(毒理学史)Katherine D Watson
Appendix 1:Selected Toxicology-Related Institutions
Academy of Toxicological Sciences(毒理科学学会)Sachin S Devi and Harihara M
American Academy of Clinical Toxicology(美国临床毒理学学会)Christopher P
American Association of Poison Control Centers(美国中毒控制中心协会)Christop—
her P Holstege
American Board of Toxicology(美国毒理学委员会)Sachin S Devi and Harihara M
American College of Medical Toxicology(美国医学毒理学会)Christopher P Holstegc
American College of Toxicology(美国毒理学学会)Harihara M Mehendale
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists(美国政府工业卫生学家会议)Andrew Maier
American Industrial Hygiene Association(美国工业卫生协会)Andrew Maier
CIIT Centers for Health Research(化学工业毒理学研究所卫生研究中心)Sachin S
Devi and Harihara M Mehendale
Consumer Product Safety Commission(消费品安全委员会)Michael A Babich
Department of Defense,US(美国国防部)Ruth Custance
Department of Energy,US(美国能源部)Ruth Oustance
Environmental Protection Agency,US(美国环境保护局)Patricia M Nance
EuroDean Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals(欧洲化学物质生
态毒理学与毒理学中心)Michael Gribble
EuroDean Society of Toxicology(欧洲毒物学会)Ankur V Dnyanmote and Harihara M
EuroDean Union and Its European Commission(欧盟与欧委会)Pertti J Hakkinen
Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association(美国香料及提取物制造者协会)
Gwendolyn L Ball
Food and Agricuiture Organization of the United Nations(联合国粮食及农业组织)
Manfred Luetzow
Food and Drug Administration,US(美国食品与药品管理局)Ankur V Dnyanmote
and Harihara M Mehendale
Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety(IFCS)(国际化学安全讨论会)Judy
A Stober
International Agency for Research on Cancer(国际癌症研究署)Peter Boyle
International Conference on Harmonisation(国际调谐组织)Rob in C Guy
International Fragrance Association(IFRA)(国际香料协会)Audrey Martin
International Labour Organization(ILO)(国际劳工组织)Pertti J Hakkinen
International Life Sciences Institute—North America(北美国际生命科学所)Penny
International Organization of the Flavor Industry(IOFI)(国际香料工业组织)
Thierry Cachet
International Programme on Chemical Safety(国际化学安全规划署)Lynne Haber
International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics(国际外源性化学物质研究
协会)Ankur V Dnyanmote and Harihara M Mehendale
International Society of Exposure Analysis(国际暴露检验协会)Pertti J Hakkinen
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(理论与应用化学国际联合会)
John H Duffus
International Union of Toxicology(国际毒理学联合会)Paolo Preziosi
Inter—Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals(有效处理
化学物的组织机构间规划)Pertti J Hakkinen
National Center for Environmental Health(国家环境卫生中心)Sachin S Devi and
Harmara M Mehendale
National Center for Toxicological Research(国家毒理学研究中心)Ankur V Dnyan-
mote and Harihara M Mehendale
National Institute for OCCUpational Safety and Health(国家职业安全与卫生研究
所)Ankur V Dnyanmote and Harihara M Mehendale
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences(国家环境卫生科学研究所)
Harihara M Mehendale
National Institutes of Health(国家卫生研究院)Ankur V Dnyanmote and Harihara M
National Library of Medicine/TEHIP(国家医学图书馆)Carlo Nuss
National Toxicology Program(国家毒理学规划处)Harihara M Mehendale
Occupational Safety and Health Administration(职业安全与卫生管理局)Harihara
M MehendaIe
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development(经济合作与发展组织)
Robert Visser
Public Health Service,US(公共卫生服务)C Charles Barton and Alan G Parham
Research Institute for Fragrance Materials(RIFM)(芳香材料研究所)Anne Marie
Societv for Chemical Hazard Communication(化学性危险交流协会)Michele R Sulli—
Societv for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry(环境毒理和化学协会)Hariha-
ra M Mehendale
Societv for Risk Analysis(SRA)(危险性分析协会)Mike Dourson and Pertti J
Societv of Toxicology(毒理协会)Sachin S Devi and Harihara M Mehendale
Trade Associations(贸易联合会)Patricia M Nance
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment(危险性评价毒理学中心)Jacqueline
Toxicoloy Forum(毒理学论坛)Latrice Vincent
UNEP Chemicals(联合国环境规划署化学试剂)Pertti J Hakkinen
United States Pharmaeopoeia(USP)(美国药典)Shayne C Gad
Appendix 2:Public Domain Online Chemical Compendia—A
Brief Selection