1. From Geometry to the Quantum
2. Introduction to Lasers
2.1 Normal Modes in a Cavity
2.2 Basic Properties of Lasers
3. Properties of Light: Blackbody Radiation
3.1 Planck's Quantum Derivation
3.2 The Proper Derivation of Planck's Formula
3.3 Fluctuations of Light
3.4 Maxwell's Lucifer
4. Interaction of Light with Matter I
4.1 Stimulated and Spontaneous Emission
4.2 Optical Excitation of Two Level Atoms
4 3 Life-Time and Amplification
5. Basic Optical Processes—Still Classical
5.1 Interference and Coherence
5.2 Light Pressure
5.3 Optical Absorption
5.4 Amplification: Three Level Systems
5.5 Classical Treatment of Atom-Light Interaction
5.5.1 Dipole radiation
5.5.2 Radiation damping
5.6 Spectral Lines
6. More Detailed Principles of Laser
6.1 Basic Theory: Classical Electrodynamics
6.2 Mode-Locking
6.3 Non-linear Optics
6.4 Phase Matching
6.4.1 Rigorous derivation
6.4.2 Heuristic derivation
6.5 Multiphoton Processes
7. Interactions of Light with Matter II
7.1 Vector Spaces
7.2 Dirac Formalism
7.3 Time Dependent Perturbation Theory
7.4 Alternative Derivation of Perturbation
7.5 The Wigner-Weisskopf Theory
7.5.1 Constant perturbation
7.5.2 Harmonic perturbation
7.6 Digression: Entropy and the Second Law
7.7 Einstein's B Coefficient
7.8 Multiphoton Processes Revisited
8. Two Level Systems
8.1 Operator Matrix Algebra
8.2 Two Level Systems: Rabi Model
8.3 Other Issues with Two Level Systems
8.4 The Berry Phase
8.4.1 Parallel transport
8.4.2 The Bloch sphere
8.4.3 Implementation
8.4.4 Generalization of the phase
8.5 Gauge Principle
9. Field Quantization
9.1 Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
9.2 What Are Photons?
9.3 Blackbody Spectrum from Photons
9.4 Quantum Fluctuations and Zero Point Energy
9.5 Coherent States
9.6 Composite Systems—Tensor Product Spaces
9.6.1 Beam splitters
9.6.2 Generation of coherent states
9.7 Bosonic Nature of Light
9.8 Polarization: The Quantum Description
9.8.1 Unpolarized light—mixed states
10. Interaction of Light with Matter III
10.1 Fully Quantized Treatment
10.2 Jaynes-Cummings Model
10.3 Spontaneous Emission—At Last
10.4 The Lamb Shift
10.5 Parametric Down Conversion
10.6 Quantum Measurement: A Brief Discussion
11. Some Recent Applications of Quantum Optics
11.1 Laser Cooling
11.1.1 Bose-Einstein condensation
11.2 Quantum Information Processing
11.2.1 Quantum teleportation
12. Closing Lines
13. Problems and Solutions
13.1 Problem and Solutions 1
13.1.1 Problem set 1
13.1.2 Solutions 1
13.2 Problem and Solutions 2
13.2.1 Problem set 2
13.2.2 Solutions 2
13.3 Problems and Solutions 3
13.3.1 Problem set 3
13.3.2 Solutions 3
13.4 Problems and Solutions 4
13.4.1 Problem set 4
13.4.2 Solutions 4
13.5 Problems and Solutions 5
13.5.1 Problem set 5
13.5.2 Solutions 5